Berty the stray dog with a dirty nose,
Sniffing out trouble wherever he goes,
Only after a scrap to eat and a warm spot of sun.
Stay with us a while and join in the fun.
He's outside a cafe in a nice sunny spot,
When out comes the chef and empties his pot.
Berty gets up to sniff at the bin,
He turns around and his spots got a cat in.
'Excuse me' barks Berty, 'but I was sat there',
The cat licks his paws and doesn't seem to care.
Berty's quite angry and mutters 'Grr rrr',
The cat just continues to groom his fur.
So Berty goes back to hunting for food,
all the while thinking 'that Tom is quite rude,
I'll have to do something to move him away,
or I will be shivering all day in the shade'.
That's when he finds a big piece of steak,
with fat round the edge, that's really quite great.
He starts to eat, his tumy rumbling,
then stops when he thinks of something quite cunning.
He leaves the grub just out of the sun,
kicks up his heels and starts to run.
'Where is that dirty dog?' Thinks Tom,
'I'll go eat his dinner then sit in his sun'.
So up gets the cat and stretches his feet,
He slinks to the steak and starts to eat.
He's chewing and purring, and he doesn't hear,
A dirty black nose coming up to his rear.
'Woof' says our Berty and starts to bite,
'Miaow' screams the cat and jumps in a fright.
Tom starts to run and never looks back,
Berty sits in the sun with his ill gotten snack.
The chef now comes out and he's waving his knife,
'I've never heard so much noise in my life,
Be gone dirty Berty'. He's not it would seem,
The best thing to have there for health and hygiene.
Berty's now wandering back on the streets,
Looking for sunspots and scraps to eat.
Unknown "Spanky" Confused
- 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago