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Unknown's tales
None of my bitches are selling... not making me any points. I'm going to put the blame on Mark and Leo. They used be selling their asses off but apparently its not the case. I'm a sad sad wolf. I'm going to fork fuck em with a steel fork. The type you stab turkeys with on Thanksgiving. Hopefully then will they alll get to work. My bitches are flawed... but I love them... I love them deeply....
Unknown "corbo!" Seductive - 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
So I was at work and lately I've gotten kinda obsessed with cream cheese. So I decided that every morning I will bring cuban crackers with me and eat em every morning. I usually pack my cream cheese in a wrap of aluminum foil so that no one jacks my entire cream cheese and then I'm left with no cream cheese. So when you pack cream cheese in alumnium foil no one knows whats inside and no one will touch it. Cool. Anyways, so I was there sitting doing my work and minding my own business spreading the creamy delicious cream cheese (mind you seemed alm ost about to melt) all over my precious cuban crackers like if it were me oiling some super hot model bitch for her tanning session at the beach ummm nude beach.

All of a sudden one of my coworkers informs me that there is a meeting between the warehouse employees and the operations manager. So whatever, usually everyone is annoyed because this is what we call a "bitch session" where all we hear is negative shit and for some reason, this cracked me up, this meeting was to remind us all of our job descriptions.... like if I didn't my j ob description by now after almost 2 years of being here, I would almost suggest someone to get a time machine, go back in time to 1982 and crack my retarded baby head in half so I can start over in a new life. All this time I'm hearing this meeting which is completely pointless for me to be in because it has nothing to do with me. All I keep thinking is my cream cheese melting all over the alumnium foil. It was upsetting I was anxious to get back to my desk. I never knew how much I really loved cream cheese untill today. I felt like it was this chick I wanted to bang so bad but I was just taking her for granted for sex but realized I was really in love with her when she ended up in the hospital because of some freak accident (but still looked hot). Yeah it was pretty annoying.

So yeah, moral of the story is don't take granted what you love to eat for its taste. make sure when you bite into something good you love, that you're not just having premicious sex with it, make total passionate love to it. I am talking about food, nothing else.
Unknown "corbo!" Seductive - 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
I expressed myself to get credits with these three quotes:

"A Million Knives Of Fate Will Never Pin Me Down, I Walk Pathless, Im A Limitless Being, Time Is An Illusion, It Wishes It Could Be On My Side."

"Playing A Musical Instrument Of Your Choice Is Like F**king A Really Hot Chick. Your Instrument Will Respond Back To You Depending On How You Perform On It. So Give It The Best Orgasm You Can!!!!"

"I'm The Writer Of My Entire Life! There's Not A Goddamn Soul That Will Ruin My Bestselling Novel!"

Unknown "corbo!" Seductive - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago

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My finger is the reason.. FOR THE SEASON!

BURN! hahah xD
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt - 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
We should make a competition! xD
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt - 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
Hahaha finger finger finger, I bet you mine's cuter xD

Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt - 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
And say hi everyonce in a while, geez! xD
Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt - 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
You need to stop giving your finger to people in that pic ahhah xD

Unknown "Sexy Rexy" Hurt - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
i also thumbed ur tales..
Unknown "Wiwi" Cheeky - 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
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Unknown's shop
The Shop Of Damian C.

A shop to raise money for hookers and midgets with missiles attached to entertain me.

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