I gave it all to willingly
To the men who have come before you
They promised to treat it right
And nice
But in the end
They tore it
So when you came along
I was caustious and scared
The day you said you loved me
I wanted to break down in tears
I never thought i would trust you
When you said
You'd never hurt me
Even when i didn't want to
I gave you my heart
IT going willingly
For some unknown reason
It trusted you
Loved you
And believed you would protect it
But in the end
You abused it
Tore it
And over all neglected it
So on the day you told me
All the truths that you hid
My heart borke
And deep down inside
A little part of me died
but for some strange reason
even though i know
You aren't who i thought you were
My heart wants so badly
For you to find a cure
My heart is still open
Broken but beating
I'm just trying to find the man
Who won't leave me retreating
....Just a little poem i just wrote right here on the spot...yay for free writting...
Unknown "Pretty EYES" Confused
- 16 years, 4 months, 19 days ago