Jan 16, 2008
It's my mum's birthday today!!!! And I just realized it this morning when the reminder went off in the midst of a crazy day...so, a toast to mummy!!!!
It's been pretty hectic and long day so far, managed to "steal" some time to log in and write a line or two and pet some friends along the way... apologize to those that i didn't respond or thumb... will do that when i get some time...
Since it's a day of celebration and that's positive... gonna start off with some appreciative notes to some great folks over here in HP...
Firstly, to my owner .. TROY for taking such good care of me so far...like the virtual trip you sent me to S'pore and all the ice cream too..yummy!!
To FL, Jerry, TS, Sharkie, lil' Monkey & Troy for being my regular "chatters" & "thumbers" on my herd (For All Prince & Princesses).. and many others who had thumbed me on my page & leaving me nice comments as well...
My apologies if i've unintentionally missed out your names...send me an email and i'll make sure i add them on in my next tale...
Still on happy note, let me round it up by sharing some quotes on Happiness...
"There may be Peace without Joy, and Joy without Peace, but the two combined make Happiness." - Sir John Buchan
"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." - Allan K. Chalmers
Take care my friends... and if you like my tale, thumb me & tell your friends to thumb as well!
Unknown "Filo" Purring
- 17 years, 26 days ago