Ok. So I was sitting here the other night messing around with this app Thinking about the last couple years of my life. My wife, my kids, my dog. You know.....my life.
I am a humble man (although some who know me would disagree) and I am a man with few wants or needs. I live my life for my family and realize that I am truly blessed when my children can go to school unmolested by the harsh reality that is war or the search for water and food. I have it all.....wait for it......this isnt going where you might think........
I started thinking about my job and all the awsomness that is our world. I work doing geophysical survey. By its very nature, exploration has taken me to some of the most remote country in Canada. Lots of time in the actic. Very remote stuff.
I started thinking about the number of close calls I've had in the bush. Helicopters, bears and giant trout have a way of stacking the odds against you. Anyway, I began to count on my hand the number of "you just orphaned your kids" incidents and guess what?
I ran out of fingers. I counted at least half a dozen very close shaves. 3 with helicopters. 2 to quicksand / muskeg this year alone! 2 to wolves and one to a very big bear by Stony Rappids (damn garbage bears...get huge!). Fell through some Ice but it was near shore and I hit bottom. Think it was a crack and I stepped into it. Oh, yea, the forest fire. That my little pet friends was a pucker factor 10. Hey Joe Rogan, You put your ass 75m directly infront of a 50km long fire front.......scared? Thats a story in itself though suffice it to say that the fire started over 30km away from us and grew that big in less than 4 hrs.
Point is (if one can actualy find a point to these ramblings), I realized at that point that my decision to leave the buisness was the right one. I think........
Unknown Calm
- 17 years, 2 months, 8 days ago