I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours. But sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love, belong to all of us, in all times and in all places. Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality.-- H. A. Overstreet
I have always found solace in music. Some of the hardest things to say or explain have been perfectly stated in someone's lyrics. It makes you feel like you've made a connection, that you're not the only one to feel a certain way. And it helps you to make peace with things inside yourself. Or so I feel.
With that said, the following are lyrics from one of my favorite songs. There are points in this song that I have highlighted to note areas really hit home.
Better Version of Me -
Fiona AppleThe nickel dropped when I was on
My way beyond the rubicon
What did I do?
And the games that I could handle
None are ones worth a candle
What should I do?
I'm a frightened, fickle person
Fighting, cryin', kickin', cursin'
What should I do?
Oooh, after all the folderol, hauling over cole stops
What will I do?
Can't take a good day without a bad one
Don't feel just to smile until I had one
Where did I learnI make a fuss about a little thing
Rhyme is losing to the riddlingWhere's the turn?
I don't want a home
I'd ruin that, home is
Where my habits have a habitat
Why give it term?
Oooh, after all the folderol, hauling over cole stops
What did I learn?
I am likely to miss the main event
If I stop to cry and complain again
So I will keep a deliberate pace
Let the damn breeze dry my faceOoooh mister wait until you see
What I'm gonna be
I've got a plan, a demand and it just began
And if you're right, you'll agree
Here's coming a better version of me
Here comes a better version of me
Unknown "Nikki" Daring
- 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago