15th feb, 11:28pm..
i rcvd a call from amanda..
i noe her for omost 10 years, she noe im timid,
coz we seldom call each othr during tis timing..
it consider "late" for us.
as we sleep v early..
i hold my phone for a while n only then i picked up..
when she say.. hello.. v slow..
i noe she is goin to tell me sumthing bad..
"pls calm down.. i gotta tell u smthg.. but not confirmed yet.."
"kee ying pass away in an accident js now"
u noe wat is the saddest things?
when u r real sad, u wont cry.
i kept silent..
i duno how to accept.. n i dun wan to listen more of it..
the first thing in my mind is..
i js tok to her last week!!
y her?! y! y! y!!!!!!
i didnt sleep for the whole nite..
she is so healthy she owez smile.. she had v bright smile..
second day early monin,
i called up mum,
i wnted her to check,
she told me letters wrote, 3 gals 1 guy in d car..
i feel lil release trying to lie myself..
i put down the phone..
she called back..
told me confirmed is her.. my close fren..
i duno watelese to say n i put down the phone..
not more than 5 mins..
amanda called.. to tell me confirmed.. is ying ying..
i cant swallow any food till now..
i duno how to accept..
i duno how to tell u how hard i feel..
ying.. i miss u...
Unknown "Loves Beng" Loving
- 16 years, 8 days ago