awwww ~ please pray hard , i mean real hard , for me that i can finish my port folio on time in order to go in lasalle , my dream school :DDDDD so thumb me to show your support . *wakakaka *
and and yesterday my friends and i went to tamp , a particular basketball court .
there's a shameless couple just sitting right behind of us , FF-ing the girl . OMFG ! im shocked because she open her legs WIDE facing us ! WTF la . new year coming soon man ! forget about gambling -.- stupid woman ! SO BAD LUCK !! i curse you ! and the guy saw us looking at them but he don seems to give a damn ! so we enjoyed our show since he don give a shit :)) that horny girl is like SOOO high laa * i mean from her movement, you see* :s LOL ! i got a rush to take a picture of them and RUN but ..... i scared they outrun me and whack the shit outta me :| can you imagine ?! PUBLIC PORN !!! *shake head *
after they've done with their CASE , he still walked past us staring at us PROUDLY ! wth is wrong with him !? okok lets forget about it -_- fucker ! AT LEAST BOOK A HOTEL LA ! NOW SO MANY CHEAP HOTEL ! zzzzzz
anyway yesterday went out with my two pets JINXIE AND CORNY and one friend for sushi ! yummy ! SUSHI AND DIM SIM ARE MY ADDICTIONS !
Unknown "Bella" Gloomy
- 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago