Thank You...
...for being there for me
through good and bad.
...for caring for me
like no ones done before.
...for helping me trust you
and opening a new door.
...for listening to me
when I just needed to vent.
...for calming me down
after a long day was spent.
...for being my friend
the best friend I've ever had.
...for trying to get me some help
it really means a lot.
...for letting me get to know you
more and more each day.
...for smiling that bright smile of yours
every morning when you say "Hey!".
...for being a perfect gentleman
which is something I'm very fond of.
...for the extra push
when you know that i need one.
...for greeting me when i see you;
shining brighter than the sun.
...for making me smile
when I didn't think i could.
...for helping me keep my chin up
when i know i always should.
...for being so patient
when i whined and complained to you.
...for opening my eyes
and showing me that i have something to live
...for hugging me and holding my hand
reassuring me you love me even more.
...for all I've said
and for somethings I've left out.
but most of all thank you..
for loving me and letting me love you in return.
and showing me the brighter side of life.
MUGE "mi hermosa Diva" Adored
- 16 years, 10 months, 10 days ago