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Unknown's tales
I'd like to touch on a subject that is really in need of some attention nowadays. It's called "manners". Now I understand that in todays society there are millions of people talking with complete strangers all the time. People in China chatting with people in the US and so on. But there has become a startling trend online, one that makes me want to throw my computer into the trash and never look back. Cyber bullying is one of the biggest problems on the INTERNET, but there are other problems that are not as hurtful as that, but definitely can cause one to feel upset or hurt in some way. What is wrong with people today? What ever happened to the old idea of "you get what you give" or "do unto others as you would have others do unto you"? I have a hard time going into chat rooms or any other place where there are many people, because most don't give a diddly what you have to say, honestly. Most are too caught up in their own lives to care about others anymore. Unless you are their friend in real life, you're nothing but some text on a screen with no feelings whatsoever. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Then we have the constant competition of what I call "cyber-sluts" that spam the room with disgusting talk or pictures as if to say "Look at me! Look at me!!" It's really quite sad that they feel that the only way they will ever get attention is to put all they have on a plate for the masses to see, but that's a completely different issue. So, basically the internet is a bad place to be if you are even the slightest bit shy, touchy, crabby, sensitive, emotional or...let's just say it like everyone else does...Nuts. It used to be that if you made it through 12 years of school and possibly college without being reduced to a whimpering puddle of goo, you were doing good. But nowadays, with the technology the way it is, just about every household has a computer, and just about everyone spends a few hours a day online talking to complete strangers, hence subjecting themselves to utter annihilation by any number of rude internet scumbags. So, to all of you people out there that still have your hearts intact, and to all those that actually give a damn when you see text on the screen screaming out to you to be heard, take heed, for it seems that the more time you spend online being subjected to the way people act in todays society, the less warm your heart will become over time.
Unknown "Peace" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
I have been noticing over the past 20 years a serious decline in true love. It seems that the word "love" is being tossed around like it means something trivial. When my husband and I got together, to tell someone you loved them was a HUGE deal. It meant something much deeper than it does nowadays. I don't know how anyone could date today knowing that just about everyone you date is going to say the word "love". How can you tell if it's real or not? The word "hate" still has the same meaning, so why would love change? Sure you can love family and friends, but I'm talking about the love that two people feel for each other that binds them together for life. THAT my friends is a love that nobody should miss out on, but if you toss the word around like it's nothing, I doubt you will ever experience TRUE love.
Unknown "Peace" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
I love music. I love making it and listening to it, but according to a study done about people with right temporal lobe damage, (I was born with a cavernous angioma in my right temporal lobe) I am not supposed to even enjoy music let alone want to make music. So, to everyone out there that feels constrained by some stupid "stereotype" or "diagnosis", just be yourself. Don't let words get in the way of your happiness. Listen to "Little Ones" by Becky Ayers
Unknown "Peace" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Becky's Boutique
An assortment of fun stuff for everyone.
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