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"Snow White"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Sexy Bookworms, R.I.P Heath Ledger
Unknown's tales
I shall be removing Human Pets soon.
Like...Tomorrow, soon.
So farewell, all!
Unknown "Snow White" Purring - 16 years, 12 months ago
I hadn't thought of adding this until now...But yes.
Several days ago, on the 11th, I received my brand new laptop, replacing my old, crappy, about to kick the bucket, desktop.
It is glorious, and I love it dearly.
The end.
Unknown "Snow White" Purring - 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Last Friday I went to pick up my lovely little boy, Edmond, from the groomer.
We bought him a nice new collar and leash, because he had desecrated his old ones by acquainting his teeth with them.
So we put the collar on him and walked out of the building. While admiring his lovely new 'do, I noticed he was kind of twisting his head around and maneuvering out of his collar. We had just barely walked out of the building and were right next to the highway.
So I carefully pulled his little trouble-making self a little closer and then lunged at him just as he freed himself.
I just barely caught him before he bolted, -he's one of those little dogs that will never stop running given the opportunity- and in the process, landed in a foot of snow.
Normally Edmond will come when you call him, but with all the cars and goings-on of the town, it's very likely he would have been hit by a car.
He's too young to realize what a car can do to him, so in his eyes I was just a killjoy, but lunging into the snow for him, I saved him from certain death.
Not even a thank you. Hahah.
I think he forgave me, though, because when we got home, he hid behind me when he got scared. (My brother frightens him.)
Unknown "Snow White" Purring - 17 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
Shortly after the dream mentioned in my last tale, I had a crazy dream about a hamster empire and it's rival, the cat empire.
The hamster empire had various rodents, but it was led by hamsters.
And they lived in the walls, and underneath various objects, and under the floor.
They crawled along wires and strings, and scurried through holes.
The evil cat empire used its stealth and speed to capture the people of the hamster empire.
Tragically, several a hamster went missing.
The rest of the empire lined up and trained for battle, and attempted to overtake the cats.
All the while, the lone dog made trouble for both sides.
The birds watched with disinterest as the battle went on, swooping down to cause some shiftless trouble every now and then.
The humans tried desperately to help both sides, preventing as many casualties as possible.
And such was life...
Unknown "Snow White" Purring - 17 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
Early this morning -around 4 or 5 AM- I was asleep in bed, and then I happened to open my eyes. It was dark, and everything seemed normal.
But then I realized that I couldn't move. I felt a heavy pressure on me, holding me down.
"Is this a dream?" I wondered.
I struggled and I managed to tear myself from the bed, thrusting myself toward the light switch, all the while being pressed down to the floor.
When I reached the other side of the room I was completely pushed to the floor. I assured myself it was a dream.
I flung my arm up with little control to flick the light switch. Feeling the texture of the plastic it seemed evident that I was not dreaming.
I flipped the switched up and down several times, and the light never came on. I screamed for help, but my voice was distant, and low.
Then it occurred to me that this can really only be a dream, and I forced my eyes open.
I was back in bed, I could move, I turned the light on. Everything was normal...
It was just a dream...
Unknown "Snow White" Purring - 17 years, 3 months, 4 days ago

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Derek G

You have been put a wig on.
Derek G "Dorian Gray" Lonely - 17 years, 22 days ago
Hiii ... WAss uppp..???
You have been given a Kitty Costume!.
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Unknown "JEFE(:" Wild - 17 years, 24 days ago
Derek G

You have been given big juicy kiss.
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Derek G "Dorian Gray" Lonely - 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
hehe you are very welcome =) and here, have a fun monkey too =)
You have been given Jam session with cool monkey!.
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Unknown "My Precious" Dazed - 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
for the puppy in your picture :D
You have been given a wig :D.
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Unknown "My Precious" Dazed - 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
Unknown am i supposed to find you if you hide behind me? everytime i turn around you'll just keep turning'll never end ;)
You have been given bunny.
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Unknown "My Precious" Dazed - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
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