once upon a time ther was a lonely little gremlin that lived in my tummy. everytime someone mentioned cupcakes he would growl. coz he was super super hungry...
but no one ever listened...
until one day. the little gremlin got restless and began to cry. poor little cupcake gremlin.... wont anyone give him cuppycakes???
suddenly a tummy godmother appeared. and granted him one wish. of cors, he wished for the yummiest most scrumptious cupcake in all the...er... land...
and when he was finished his cupcake he could take a nice looooooooong nap.
he doesnt growl so much anymore.
the end
lmao. i suck at this stuff
Unknown "Roxanne^.^v" Cheeky
- 17 years, 2 months, 28 days ago