latrodectus machtans is on my wishlist.. here in norway she is a bit difficult to buy.. almost noone know who she is by her science name.. by her common name, everybody know who she is.. she is a black widdow:) she is not big,but dont mess with her.. she will hurt you a lot if you let her take a bite of you.. Unknown"My Wild Tiger"Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months ago
s.peerboomi. her science name is so long.. so i just call her s.peerboomi. she is so pretty and so devilish.. keep your hands far away from this one too.. fun to watch, but her attitude is almost like h.minax. h.minax is a little bit worse. devilish little girl:)
Unknown"My Wild Tiger"Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months ago
haplopelma minax.. female h.minax.. at the moment, my most dangerose tarantula.. she is a beuty, but her mood is reeeally bad.. this is a very aggressiv tarantula.. fun too watch:)) but keep your hands far away from this lady.. girl whit a bad attitude
Unknown"My Wild Tiger"Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months ago
p.murinu got som food.. she was a bit angry as you can see.. "stay the hell away from me"
Unknown"My Wild Tiger"Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months ago
pterinochilus murinus... this is my female p.murinus. she is a orange adult beuty:) but she is a little devil.. this is the only time that i had her climbing on me.. and of course,she had to take a bite of me.. damn,that hurted like hell... she like to hide, so i dont see her to mutch. pretty little girl:)
Unknown"My Wild Tiger"Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months ago