tell me this... WTF! ok.. i dont do the pet stealing shit... and it really fukn irritates me when i find my pet, NO ONE has OWNED MY PET EVER and then muthafuckas wanna come thru and buy my pet, without even saying a fuckin HELLO... cant even give me A MUTHERFUCKING *PET* nothing... this really pisses me off... so LETS DO THIS YOU TRANNY LOOKIN HOE.. I really hate that i have brought myself to this.. but the bitch do look like a damn man... lol
Unknown "sexy chica" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 7 days ago
eh ehm..(clearing throat)... well, in reference to my tale three tales down... it did'nt last long.. 3 weeks.. thats how long it lasted.. i tried, really i did. but a big monkey wrench got thrown into my plans of "staying away!" oh well... i shall try again
Unknown "sexy chica" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
so a tornado hits downtown ATL... WTF!! and then today... the shit rips thru parts of GA. then like 2hrs later.... its bright and sunny and HOT!!? wow... do i stay in my freakin bathtub or not?! lol... so I really thought that this would have ruined my plans for tonight... but hecks nah... IT's ON AND POPPIN DUDE! lol... im heading out.
Unknown "sexy chica" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
OH... im so random... so forgive me if none of what I write makes sense...
Unknown "sexy chica" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
sometimes i wonder why the hell i even entertain bull shit from people...its not like I dont KNOW that my head is being messed with... but STILL... i let myself get involved in the shit all over again. well NO MORE!! I've decided to put my foot down.. lol... and darnit.. i will see how long this lasts.. smh
Unknown "sexy chica" Uncertain
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago