Well lets see here, Sunday when I went to my friends house to watch nascar my 5 month old decided to roll over both way for the first time. That was great! Than the race got started and they had a really good wreck and than they had to fix the track cause it is a sucky track and needs to be fixed so the water does not keep leaking thru the seems in my opinoin.
Yestday was just another day. Not much happend. Had a dr. app was all.
Now today is ok except for the fact the Facebook Mobel does not have my carrier so I can not add any of the mobel features or apps so friends can text me and i can text them back so that sucks. That the only proablem so far for today. Sorry for the miss spells. I suck at it without spell check.
Unknown "Lory" Lazy
- 17 years, 10 days ago