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"Mallard Duckie"
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"Fairy Godmother"
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Unknown's tales
It be part 4 bbzzzzzzz, go to Charlotte's tales for part 3 *Nods*
I heard Charlotte yelling to me buts I couldn't reply, my mouth had been sewen up by the evil GITTALEATTLEBUMFILTH; Bald Jess' evil assistant. He stood before me, his strange squidy BFG face and Green old lady tree hair clowing in the darkness as one by one the lights all exploded. He quickly turned to Charlotte, casting the same spell, her mouth being sewen up in an insant. We didn't know what to do, we couldn't move, or scream, the evil little squidy thing cast a spell so a table and chair appeared before him 'I'll be watching you till Master Jess returns' he said, taking a seat whilst sipping on some tea. I looked over at Charlotte who was sitting down on the floor, neither of us knew how to escape, all hope was lost...or so we thought. All of a sudden we heard a crash, our heads turned swiftly in the direction of GITTALEATTLEBUMFILTH, but he wasn't there, instead there was just a tree. With a snap the spell was removed from our mouths, 'Death by tea-tree!" Charlotte chuckled, we both burst into laughter, but out happiness was disruped by an evil Rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Unknown "Popsicle" Carefree - 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
Continued From Charlotte's Chapter 2... We both stood still, mouths open frozen to the spot, the huge monster coming towards us, his pointy teeth snapping. When we thought all hope was lost Charlotte had an idea. She grabbed her magical penguin and gave him a squeeze. Suddenly a figure came flying through the sky, it was naked Zak come to save the day (YAY!) He landed on the moon between us and the monster, arms folded across his chest looking very tough and manly(not to mention extremely gorgeous :P). The monster glared and Zak glared. All of a sudden a huge muffin came down from the sky, squishing the monster beneath it's chocolate chip muffin-ness. Me and charlotte hugged Zak and he flew us back to earth.......A few Weeks later..... Everything was going well, we had Zak as our personal slave and life couldn't be better. But then it all went higledy piggeldy. Me and Charlotte sent Zak to ze shop for some baby food and red bull and the evil Aliens came back again, this time kidnapping us and taking us to there space ship. With Zak unaware of our dissapearance and the aliens armed with laser guns will we make it out alive? Will Zak find us in time? Is there anyway we could escape?
Find out in part 3 (To be Written by Charlotte) - Charlotte and Helen's great escape!

Unknown "Popsicle" Carefree - 17 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
Does I have a tale to tell you all *Ponders* Yupp, I do, I went on a the moon with Charlotte on a silver spoon with Gregory the lego man and his new plant pot boyfriend following behind on a fork. We parked our spoon in the draw and went for some popsicles, but they melted because Mars was charging at us. Me and Charlotte be like 'Ahmigod!' but then Gregory and the plant pot have escaped and taken our spoon with them. Well anyways we managed to find some neon pink blue and green aliens with fish blows on their heads who took us home, they even let us pop in asda to buy some cookies and redbull. *Nods* And that be all for now. The aliens are still living under Charlottes bed...ssshhh!
Unknown "Popsicle" Carefree - 17 years, 2 months, 28 days ago

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You have been given Soverignty recognition of Tuvalu.
Crafted by Joel
Joel "Real Deal " - 16 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
hi Helen, been a long time how are you?
You have been given a friendly hello pet!.
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Joel "Real Deal " - 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
I don't know how Gregory feels about this cat, maybe three's a crowd!
You have been given Plant pot bed.
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Joel "Real Deal " - 17 years, 19 days ago
I think these might be yours! x
You have been given 2 legomen.
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Joel "Real Deal " - 17 years, 19 days ago

You have been given Saint Ozzy Blesses you!.
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Joel "Real Deal " - 17 years, 20 days ago
Haha, you're bloody freaky...
"Doo doo dooooo, doo doo dooooo, let's dance"
You have been given Furby.
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Unknown Sleepy - 17 years, 27 days ago
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