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"'Priceless '"
Unknown's tales
time for an update on my last tale. So I got the job at the NE location as the senior Accountant. I am very excited about it and start on Monday. I am helping out a friend right now with catching up some books for her clients. (Accounting terms) So my two weeks off has been very busy. I haven't slept in at all, not even on the weekends. All is well and very happy.
Unknown "'Priceless '" Frisky
- 17 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
if you know me you lknow I like to tell stories and usually about my life. So here is an update. A couple of weeks ago I made a huge decision in my life to leave my job of 9 years without having another job lined up. A leap of faith. Reason is to long of a story. My step daughter moved in just last weekend, and is starting online schooling, she is 17. I have been looking for a new job and there are a couple of them that I wish and pray that they will consider me. Either one not both of course. One is a home builders company as a Finance Manager in the SE of Calgary and the other is a Seismic company as a Senior accountant in the NE. If I got a call from both of them I would pick the NE one. Everything is status quo. My birthday is tomorrow feb 9 and I am getting older. lol
Unknown "'Priceless '" Frisky
- 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
Just got myself a Pet Shop for pets and owners. It is called the T Tree House. Feature of the month is Valentines for those who want to send some love to other pets and back to your owner. Enjoy and Happy shopping.
Unknown "'Priceless '" Frisky
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
My life feels like everytime I turn around something is happening. My oldest child and Step daughter is awesome. She has been going through some difficult times, and has found herself in a situation that calls for her to change where she is living and her schooling. My husband on the other hand isn't sure what to make of it all, but wants to help in anyway he can. My oldest son has decided to date this girl that has been chasing him for about a year and she is really nice. And my youngest well, he is trying to be better at making the teachers lives less about him and more about the class. He isn't a class clown by any means, but he sure likes to get up and wonder around, and well comment on things that only a 30 year old would say. Not to sure where it comes from as he is only 7. My work is crazy right now, and there is so much on the go, or not on the go! Can't say which way is up or down. I am sure we can all relate in someway.
Unknown "'Priceless '" Frisky
- 17 years, 2 months, 9 days ago
It all began with a friendly notification.Your friend would like you to add Human pets. Since then I have been on everyday and enjoying it very much.Lots of action going on. Heres a little tale about me. I am a playful, happy cat. To love me is a good thing and i will be so happy to reciprocate. I love you, you love me
Unknown "'Priceless '" Frisky
- 17 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
T Tree House
Full of fun things for your pets and owners tool
Most recent customers:
"My precious one"
1628898 pts
Kindness, Joy & Love ❤️
SAW Esquire
200000 pts
"Madame's Puppy"
1000 pts
"Captain Mat"
50 pts
"Illogic Puzzle"
967549 pts
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