
"My Deep Sexy man"
Name: |
Mark Hirzel, 65/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 6:00 PM |
Join date: | 17 years, 2 months, 22 days ago |
Location: | Baraga, MI United States
"I tremble for my country, when I reflect God is Just" |
About me:
Feel free to buy me if you approve of me, just ask, I aim to please my owner. and will just escape if I am abused. I also have a small problem with my mouth, of which I get in trouble for at times. I tend to say the first thing that comes to mind without forethought, not maliciously, but out of habit. I am getting better though. Maybe when I am 70 I might have learned.
I have seen about as much of the world as I care to, twice. I love my country, and if you do not, don't try to change it to suit your needs, go live in another until you can appreciate this one. A lot of good people died so you can have your opinion without malice. If you want the truth, brace yourself, and ask me, I will give it to you, but I won't argue if you don't believe me, you will find that out for yourself. I don't like Head Games, I want Peace in life, and I know what it takes to get it. Life is short, the less you screw up the more you can enjoy it while you are here, God knows I have done more than my share of screwing up, and I am amazed I am still around with half an ounce of grey matter left. The things that I was taught to do when I was younger really did matter. So Honor, Duty, Integrity, Love and Peace, among others, aren't just words to me, they are a way of life. I am half a century old, and I believe you will never pass through this way again, and what you do here will determine where you will spend eternity.
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About you:
My Creator is the one I would most like to meet most, and I am trying to live my life to attain that goal, I am a work in progress. All the rest of life is just filler, just a vapor, I am a pilgrim passing through. I would like to meet my Father one more time, so I can tell him "You Were Right", My Mother one more time, so I can tell her "I found the wisdom to know the difference". Finally I would like to meet you. I find people fascinating to watch, to observe, to talk to. God made us all different, unique in our own minds and bodies. The human being is a masterpiece that can not be a chance group of cells that fell together in a puddle of protoplasm. If you believe that, you have been sold a bill of goods, and I can't help you. Only the God of the universe can, and his name is Jesus.
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Looking for: | |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds: | Military Support, $$THE$BANK$MACHINE$$, Sex Tips For Men | |
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