i am well thanks...been off the net 4 a while my router went down so i am awaiting a replacement......been using next doors wifi cos she hasnt put a block on it.....FOOL.... but its slow
- 16 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
yes it should be good pets 4 pets and owners 4 owners.....or as they ay in thailand SAME AS SAME AS......anyway have a look into the future and see what becomes of us lol x x
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken to the future.
hey sara thanks for comments......thats pretty much me in facebook as in real life.....give or take a few words (but not many) whatever situation you are in,in life wether its your job, your relationship or whatever it is..if your not happy with it.....THEN GET OUT OF IT your only here once and life is not a practice for anything else..... thats advice i base my life upon.....and up to now its worked exceptionally well for me oh and i have given you someone nice but a little off the wall to bathe with x x