I write a lot of stories. I write some original fiction, (a novel in progress), screenplays (yep, I plan to have it filmed one day) and a crapload of fanfiction.
This morning I produced one of my darker and stranger pieces that ended up being written from Harley's POV. What's amusing is that while it's gotten hits on ff.net and I know people have read it in my journal, not a single person has commented on it. One friend mentioned she wasn't sure how she felt about it.
I told her I wasn't either. It started off as just writing, trying to get some stuff out of my brain that for some reason had been bugging me since the day before. I ended up writing it as a fic. A short one, but rather odd sounding.
I'm pretty sure some people won't like it. But it didn't feel right to just write it and leave it on my hard drive or to delete it. So I posted it and now I'll wait for reviews and responses, good and bad.
I'm still wondering what possessed me to write it.
If you're really curious here it is: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4095252/1/Deadly_Affection
Probably not my best work. But more stream of consciousness than anything, which to me makes it kinda cool.
Unknown "Harley Queen" Cheeky
- 17 years, 20 days ago