i like creative & design(part of my life), anime, travel, ocean, meet new friends, toys collection, car, reading, play games,
water sport, hang out with friends....
"I love you" can be a very simple word to say it. but, a lot of people just can't say "I love you" with their true feeling from their heart. some people use this beautiful word to cheat for their greedy,
and, some peoples may lose the chance to say "I love u" to someone he/she love so much, even with the true feeling...coz this beautiful word can become a cold word to freeze their heart.
Ken wOng"妃嬪bear"love u always
- 15 years, 6 months, 20 days ago
When i saw you i was afraid to talk to you... when i talked to you i was afraid to hold you... When i hold you i was afraid to love you Now that i love you i'm afraid to lose you.
Through the wind I hear your voice, in the clouds I see your name. Living life without you just wouldn't be the same Ken wOng"妃嬪bear"love u always
- 15 years, 7 months, 1 day ago
Have you ever really truly regretted something that you have inflicted upon yourself? Felt the pain of having no way to undo the wrong you've caused yourself and wished to God that you hadn't made that stupid decision? Looked in the mirror, staring at your reflection attempting to remember how things were before you inflicted such stupidity upon yourself? I can promise you that if you've not experienced that deep sense of regret then it's a feeling that you really don't want to experience at all. Ken wOng"妃嬪bear"love u always
- 15 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
L O V E i s F O R E V E R
I miss you and love you more than words can say; my heart will always belong to you. You know me and you've been through a lot, but always and forever my love for you is very strong. Now that you're far away in a place so violent and where no one has a heart, I miss you more and more every day. I think about the times we had together and the happy days you and I shared, which are all now memories. But, just remember one thing: I will always miss you. Ken wOng"妃嬪bear"love u always
- 15 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
因為緣分 所以相逢 因為喜歡 所以疼惜 因為真心 所以給你 因為有你 所以幸福 因為真愛 所以唯一 因為值得 所以愛妳 因為愛妳 所以珍惜 因為愛妳 所以包容 因為愛妳 所以擔心 因為愛妳 所以心疼 因為愛妳 所以不悔 因為妳是我心中最重要的人... Ken wOng"妃嬪bear"love u always
- 15 years, 8 months, 13 days ago