so i've added a few more random thoughts or whatever you wanna call em too my herd thing... thumb if you want... they're random and somewhat entertaining UnknownCurious
- 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
woo hoo its tuna fish sandwiches for dinner UnknownCurious
- 17 years, 12 days ago
the sun creeps up the backside of the mountains and dawns on us a new day UnknownCurious
- 17 years, 14 days ago
And also on this trip my cars odometer rolled over to 100k... i got pics i'll put up laters UnknownCurious
- 17 years, 16 days ago
this week was awesome, it started off on friday with me driving out to my aunts house in san jose, ca to help her out with her computer. 6 hours and 50+ virus later i had her back and running good as new, so then i head to my uncles house and helped out with some maintence and file transfer on his roomates comp. not bad that took awhile though cause of the system was kinda old.
So saturday came along and i got to hang out with a great friend of my jen. We've know each other since I was born. I had a great time hangin out and boy did i drink from 6pm to 3am i personally killed a bottle of captain tattoo :), had a great time playin dominos and playing SCENE IT on XBOX360. Sunday made for a chill day of recovery UnknownCurious
- 17 years, 16 days ago