Lol, I'll try not to! It'll take some work...I've haven't partied for a long time, actually! I've been good! Hahaha, but, yeah, things should be fine. Talk to you later!
Haha, yeah, I do my best to. Nice little fishy, btw. Well, the play's over and it went well, so there's one thing down! Now it's just choir tour and catching up on homework. Whoo!
I'm not sure...I've been so flippin' busy with rehearsals and everything else that I haven't had time to think about it...I know that I've got some friends who want to take a trip soon...I've got choir tour next week, and then there's easter break, so I'm probably gonna go home for that, if I can...I've got a voice recital the next weekend...I don't know! Life is so hectic!