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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"Mr. Kid"

Unknown's tales
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I am in a crazy mood today.. weird in fact.. not the usual 'happy' crazy mood..

.. A 'same-degree' of a counterpart of the opposite always exists within one another, to balance things up. An absence of either would mean perfection, which in the 1st place shouldn't even exist in our 'World'; The Law of Nature, though the possibility of the/a birth of one such that disrupts, is not being ruled out.

What then is perfection..

.. and if it is a thing that disrupts, our World is a lousy one? Bottomline?

Though in this World, there are so many good things that we enjoy.. If it's our World, and it's us, the bad becomes the good? That suggests 'Humans are selfish and lousy'

If started lousy and selfish, is 'God' the truth? Can one such 'being' really brings us to 'Perfection'..

If that's the case.. 'Perfection' is not 'enjoyable' then..

Hence let's forget that and strive towards a better 'us' within our means. Cheers..!


That's all it was.. And.. i'm still feeling weird.. though i had really nice cookies dinner.. hehehe it's some butter crunch.. Love it! hehehe.. and i'm feeling tired and slpy as usual.. Hmm hmm.. something bad happened.. Anyways.. Good nite! :D

P.S All the 'Rationalists' ought to have an encounter with 'God'.. Henceforth do away with all the 'rationales' that r killing all the possibility of things.. Weeee! whOosh~!
Unknown "Mr. Kid" Dazed - 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago

Follow the above link and you can see a fake 'ME'! OMG! LOL! Do take note and let's destroy the clone! Weee Cheers! Lol xD
Unknown "Mr. Kid" Dazed - 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
wOw.. Many thanks to my rum 'n' raisin.. she's really nice.. She's been buying my back and saving me from EVERYONE! That's really kind of her.. hahaha and she's none other than Miss Rachael Tan! Yay!!! *applause.. Also wish to thank Mr. Ryan Russell for showing much interest in me.. even though he has absolutely no idea who i am, what i am, or even where i am.. Hehehehehe *3 claps! hehehe.. Thanks alot alot.. hehehehe and i very much wanna spend more time on this game.. Just like everyone else.. but i just can't.. hehehe there're many things to do at hand.. Apologies to all the nice people.. i can't remember some of the names.. but i can remember their pictures.. hahaha to name a few.. Ah See.. Zin Zin.. Zin Zin's pets and friends.. Gina mummy hen, and the person with a Kid's picture.. who asked how i was.. Omg.. so many so many.. thanks alot for all the people who has been supporting my shop, alas.. posting comments and even using MY display as one of their shop items.. hehe i am very honoured! I am really happy.. and Weee!!! :P
Unknown "Mr. Kid" Dazed - 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
Omg!! I've a lousy name!

Someone save me from this evil new owner! LOL!
Unknown "Mr. Kid" Dazed - 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago

This is a dangerous shop.. i went in and i just buy and buy and buy....... nonstop! OMG!! GIVE IT A VISIT! LOL! You'll regret that you ever went there.. LOL!
Unknown "Mr. Kid" Dazed - 16 years, 11 months, 22 days ago
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Aileen Sungahid
Hope ur doing well...:)
You have been given Hi!.
Crafted by Merlinda Betorin
Aileen Sungahid "Aileen" Sparkling - 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
Linyt Gerlan

You have been given Sweet Ice Cream.
Crafted by Shane Ward
Linyt Gerlan "Hazelnut" Tender - 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago

ii noe my fault ii since last year jiu no log in le.
suddenly online then saw that eu not my owner aniimore oh.

Unknown "J♥J♥" Purring - 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
Have a wonderful weekend!
Unknown Sparkling - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Linyt Gerlan

You have been given Hi .
Crafted by
Linyt Gerlan "Hazelnut" Tender - 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
the age old question: chicken or egg?
You have been given Egg Salad.
Crafted by
Zin "Free Spirit" Feisty - 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago
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Unknown's shop
Kid's Desire

150pts and less :P Look around~ Grab what you desire.. :P

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where's the tea!?
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i've been searching for you!
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i've been searching for you!
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a fun time in bed :P
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a fun time in bed :P
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Karate Kick! Heeeyaaa!
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buy me over pretty pls..
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 a slow, romantic ride
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