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Unknown's tales
>A man who has no balance like his Zodiac symbol. He is not the gentle, cool
>, calm and charming guy like what you see. He has another dark side of
>aggression, stubborn and he likes to start an argument the most. Sometimes
>he can be so depress and unstable. Up and down like he is trying to balance
>himself most of the time. To many people, he is a friendly guy and always
>smile even when he is mad
>or up set. His voice always gentle and calm. he always set and comb his
>hair as if he comes out from a shampoo advertisement. Mostly Libra men are
>good looking, even the ugly one is charming. When he smiles, it is so
>bright that the whole world is smiling with him too.
>When he is in a balance mood, he is the type of person you want to be with.
>In other unbalancing mood, he likes to make people argue about something
>and watching it with fascination and fun. He will wait to be the one who
>compromise and clear thing up. He likes to be in a conflicting
>Libra man is lazy by nature. After his tired day at work, he likes to sit
>still and just look out of the window or read quietly. He likes to be in
>his own world. After recharging his battery, he will be very
>energetic again and may even take you out that night.
>Libra man normally will not do any shocking or abnormal things to be
>noticed. He likes to be conformed with his crowd, but if you watch him
>carefully, you will see the different. If he wear a shirt, it will have to
>be a zipper front instead of buttons, or a special tie bar. There is always
>something in him that he will not allow totally conformity to take him
>A straight forward , no non-sense guy. He is careful and delicate in
>details. He will spent extra time to doing it right, than comes back to
>correct them later. He hates people who boost, or exaggerate.
>He does not like over dressed woman or make herself a center of an
>attention. He loves to read. He loves poems and loves art. When he works he
>can work like crazy, but after work he can turn on romantic jazzy music and
>treat you so gently. He loves to give people advice and normally give a
>good advice. If you fall for him, you will stay like being trapped in a
>spider web. If you want to break up with him, he will persuade you a
>zillion ways to stay and you can not stop him anyway. After he persuade you
>to stay, or after a big fight, he will be so sweet to you as if he has
>never hurt your
>feeling before ever. He will has his own way to win a girl love and
>affection. Once she says yes,
>he will lay back and wonder if he should go on or if he should back out. In
>his teen, he changed many girl friends because he can not clearly separate
>loving a friend and loving a girl friend. He will check and re-cheek if his
>match is suitable and compatible with him.
>Even he is a romantic man, he can hardly understand the emotion of the one
>he loves. He is a generous guy even he sets his life so systematically. He
>never knows when he makes you unhappy. He never knows how he up set you. He
>will never knows what he said wrong. If he is your lover, be
>prepare for this. A not so pretty girl with no brain is not his type of
>woman. If you are not pretty enough, he will not mind talking to you but he
>does not
>care to get to know you. Any girls, pretty or ugly can ask for his help, he
>will be happy to help. He hates to argue by yelling at each other, so you
>tend to see he argue with his girl friend seriously but try at best to be
>very quiet.
>He likes to have a girl friend by getting to know each other like a friend
>first. If you want him, you have to like the same thing he does. He prefers
>a pretty and gentle woman than a smart and ugly woman. You have to
>understand his mood especially he can has many different moods. He is a
>private person, so when he needs to be alone better let him be.
>Libra woman mostly has an egg oval facial shape. She has a nice smooth skin
>and a good figure. She will spent so much efforts to keep her skin clean
>and pretty. She can be easily allergy to cosmetic and make up, but taken
>care of her face and avoid wrinkle is her hobby. She is good at it and tend
>look younger than her age. She can be very naughty like a little boy, but
>yet fully 100% woman. She
>looks nice in either Jean or night gown. She thinks woman is equal to man.
>Sometimes she can think faster than you, but she will not leave you far
>behind. She will try not to make you feel like you are competed or defeated
>in any games she plays with you even she is winning.
>She is a little flirt even she has no idea what she wants. She can not
>decide what to do, and what not to do, so she can not set her schedule very
>well in all cases. She is gifted with how to dress, and how to match her
>dress. She likes to dress in black and wear perfume. She likes a mild
>flowery scent.
>In any argument, she can really argue. She can argue for hours, and mostly
>win the argument. If it is not a serious argument, she could argue and once
>a while give you a smile also. She will make a good politician, because she
>can tell which party will win the election.
>She always has a good reasons ,even she likes to contradict herself. She
>can not decide what is right and wrong for her, because everything has a
>good side and a bad side. Woman in other Zodiac might not care what other
>people think, but Libra woman care what other people ,or what you feel as
>as her own feeling. She can adjust to her environment very well, so at work
>she will be at the ladder up. She likes team work in doing things. If you
>ask her for help or advice, she will help you except if she does not like
>your guts. She can change you and make you think you change by yourself
>her influence. Good side of being with Libra woman are she never interfere
>with your privacy. She will not make you loose face in front of your
>friends. Even she cares about how much money she has left his her bank
>account, she will never forget to let you know how much she cares for you.
>She think taken care of the house is a woman job and she can do it well.
>But if you expect a Libra woman to fear you, then you are wrong. She is a
>strong woman even she looks at you with that sweet innocent pairs of baby's
>looks and may loose you (let you win) in a few poker games.
>If she is the one you are after, then go step by step. The best way is
>using her friends introducing you to her. Do not make her feel or treat her
>like a bubble head. You have to move forward toward her with confident and
>secure. Show her that you are a kind , polite and a real gentleman. Be a
>hand or else you might get smack!
Unknown "香蕉人~" Emo - 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago
10 Good Reasons for You to Date and Marry an Engineer

1. The world does not revolve around us. We choose the coordinate system.
2. No "couple" could enjoy a better "moment."
3. We know how to handle stress and strain in a relationship.
4. We have significant figures.
5. EK 301: The motion of rigid bodies.
6. Projectile motion: Need we say more?
7. Engineers do it to specifications.
8. According to Newton, if two bodies interact, the forces are equal and opposite.
9. We know it's not the length of the vector that counts, but how you apply the force.
10. We know the right hand rule.

Engineering Pick-Up Lines

-- I won't stop bugging you until I get the address of your home page.
-- You fascinate me more than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
-- Since distance equals velocity times time, let's let velocity and time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.
-- My love for you is like a concave up function because it is always increasing.
-- Let's convert our potential energy to kinetic energy.
-- Wanna come back to my room?... and see my 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac?
-- How about me and you go back to my place and form a covalent bond?
-- You and I would add up better than a Riemann sum.
-- You're sweeter than fructose.
-- We're as compatible as two similar Power Macintoshes.
-- Why don't we measure the coefficient of static friction between me and you?
-- Wanna see the programs in my HP?
-- Your body has the nicest arc length I've ever seen.
-- You're hotter than a bunsen burner set to full power!
-- I'd like to browse through your clothes like I browse through Netscape.
-- Hey baby, let's make a stress-strain curve together. >____>

Engineer Roxx !!! kakaka
Unknown "香蕉人~" Emo - 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
When she walks away from you mad
[ Follow her ]

When she stares at your mouth
[ smile...then kiss her ]

When she pushes you or hit's you
[ hug her tight ]

When she starts cursing at you
[ say i love you ]

When she's quiet
[ hold her hand and ask what's wrong ]

When she ignores you
[ act cute so she'll notice you ]

When she pulls away
[ Pull her back ]

When you see her at her worst
[ tell her you love her and she still
looks amazing ]

When you see her start crying
[hold her...ask her what's wrong]

When you see her walking
[ approach her..give a kiss on the
cheek. ]

When she's scared
[assure her you're not goin to leave
her ]

When she lays her head on your
[ tilt your head too..and hold her
hand ]

When she steals your favorite hat
[ let her keep it]

When she teases you
[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]

When she doesnt answer for a long time
[ reassure her that everything is
okay ]

When she looks at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up ]

When she says that she likes you
[ she really does more than you could
understand ]

When she grabs at your hands
[ Hold hers and play with her
fingers ]

When she bumps into you
[ bump her back and make her
laugh ]

When she tells you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]

When she looks at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until she does ]

When she misses you
[ she's hurting inside ]


When she says its over
[ she still wants you to be hers ]

When she repost this bulletin
[ she wants you to read it ]

- Stay on the phone with her even if
shes not saying anything.

- When she's mad hug her tight and
let go

- When she says she's ok dont believe
it, talk with her

- because 10 yrs later she'll remember

- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday
to tell her you love her

- Call her before you sleep and after
you wake up

- Treat her like she's all that matters
to you.

- Tease her and let her tease you back.

- Stay up all night with her when she's

- Watch her favorite movie with her or
her favorite show even if you think its

- Give her the world.

- Let her wear your clothes.

- When she's bored and sad, hang out
with her.

- Let her know she's important.

- Kiss her in the pouring rain.

- When she runs up at you crying, the
first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking babe?"
Unknown "香蕉人~" Emo - 16 years, 12 months ago

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goh goh goh goh goh goh gohg og og ohhg!!!
Unknown "°~PhYlLiS~°" Emo - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #209) *unscrewed* You have been unscrewed
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 8 months, 27 days ago
Hi.. How are you? =)
Li-Anne Sparkling - 16 years, 9 months, 14 days ago

You have been given *HuGz*.
Crafted by Unknown
Li-Anne Sparkling - 16 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
whee!!~ earn some after u were bought! :D can go shopping..wakakakka
Unknown "°~PhYlLiS~°" Emo - 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
good luck in ur finals~~
*say good luck to me too in mines >.< dont be mean!*
looks like some1 is handling his "procrastinating-attitude" well..kakaka..2 weeks not logged on to HP?? :D
You have been given you'd got urself a good owner!.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "°~PhYlLiS~°" Emo - 16 years, 10 months ago
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