I see you're back online, sorry but I cleared off your auction rating a while ago.
"Mistah☆ Hyde "Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
This is hopefully to get your attention. Get back to me about the auction soon, I want to clear off old ratings but I almost never give a bad rating.
You have been given a coffee break.
"Mistah☆ Hyde "Sparkling
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
5000 is for thumbs, not my profile tho, my herd "Russ 88", its 80 pages... I bid before I noticed you hadn't thumbed your own page, you're new? so message me if you need to know anything, about this or anything else. It takes me 45 minutes to do 80 pages if I go at it, but you can take a couple days if you want... msg me before you start, here's the link: http://apps.facebook...
"Mistah☆ Hyde "Sparkling
- 17 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
Give me back my heart of millennium ...haha
Merry Christams~^.^~
ummm...Vampire virus is going non-stop to attack the comic light-side world, when u came my tomb and stolen my heart of millennium <<Ruki Makino Annd Renamon>>
ther e is the Vampire story begining~~