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Unknown's tales
i think i would ..... create a tale soo lets see what comes out.... lol
i speack spanich soo.. if i dont write it how it would be.... and mine gramars suck sorry!!

every one knows the story in the town were they found him..... how?? u may ask .... in the town says that he was tide in a tree no one knows how he get ther e not even him... he just wake up one morning and see the ground dow his head..... and he was tide from his feet.... a boy found him .. when he was loking 4 some wood.... and all the people in the town come out to see wen someone cut him down.... his name... corveus.... he has a rare cape he cant take off hi... a cape in red.. the red of the blood... the wizards in town say that that cape ... has a leyend..... one that no one dear to speack at loud .... soo how corveus dont remember about this no one tell him about it ..... the time pass by... and he become really apreciate in town he can fix allmost every thing and help every one how ask his help .... but he never go agoing to the woods and the day the went there .... something very strage happend, the sky becomes dark... and the sun tourn to red like the cape the wizards in town .... fear the worst...... that was the capee in the leyend.. no iones tells but 4 u i can make an exeption...... maybe if we go back .. the night corveus born.... the born in a cave no far from the wood... his mother atrea.... died in labor ..... and his father cristof..... has his heart broken soo he grow up... in that cave... go to the forrest 4 wood and hunt with his father 4 something to eat...... one day he go to far aaway from cristof and lost his way home... he all ways has being a fraid of the wood at night and that night he will find the reason of this..... corveus run to the north... hoping found this cave.... the trees overt here were purple at the light of the moon .. he hear a sound... like crushing the earth ... andthe animals were quit and silence something wasent wrigth...... the found a small space inside a tree and keep really stell ... the sound becomes.. closer and closer... then stop he can see by a hole ..... out side... and he soo a shadow.. a are shadow... anbd a smell ..... he cant describe.. then the hole in the tree close... and under his feet apears something like a door ..... corveus was soo scare that .. he went inside ..... no thinking about it....whan he could found.... there was a light .. and he can hear some voces .... he turn arround and sudenly.... he found face to face to a creature he never soo in his life..... it wasent scaery.... but he would be scare later... that creature... a earth gnobit.... and he would poses him 4 a very long time if corveus wait it a lil longer before he could see that the shadow was cristof looking 4 him but it was to late the gnobit..... forse he to work under ground and one day sent he to a expedition... of founding that cape that give him a rare power...... but this cape must be given to the gnobit soo he sent corveus to found it 4 him and like corveus live under groud soo long .... he almost become a gnobit too..... so he went out...and see the sun.. start the tryp with some food and company .... but he know that this trip wouldent be easy ... and it start wen he go inside the gnobit house......

and i will keep that 4 another day
Unknown "1" - 17 years, 7 days ago

R M Rz you for shopping at our shop :D have a happy easter

Unknown "mmmm" Lonely - 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
you are mine and for ever
You have been diamond collared.
Unknown "my man" Loving - 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
i'm tryingto give you a lovely toy to play with - hope you get it xx
You have been played rope with.
Unknown "Johnney Boy" Bold - 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
cu tom
Unknown "Johnney Boy" Bold - 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
I'm a happy soul as well
Unknown "Johnney Boy" Bold - 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
Paula - you look a happy soul
Unknown "Johnney Boy" Bold - 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
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