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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"Queen of Jesters"

Unknown's tales
What will I be God?
Will I be loved?
Will I really love?
Will I care?
Will I be cared for?
Will I be a wife?
Will I be small?
Will I be nothing?

I'm so scared
but I'm so excited
I'm excuberated
I'm confused

Will I suffocate my dreams?
Will I drench my soul?
Will my mind prey on my energy?
Will my excistence go unnoticed?
Will my brain become dormant and my world grey?

Oh colours speak to me
Wind woe me
Grass dance for me
Water tremble me
Stones call me
Light arise me

For I can not bare the silence of my soul
the draught of my spirit

The ashes of
My hands
My eyes
My lips
Upon dry ground

Dry ground
it kills me
Cracked hands
they grab me
Scorned flesh
Surrounds me
Dead songs
succumb me
tempts my hope away

Beloved hope
Do not leave me
I loved you once
I can love you once more
Pardon me my weak faith
But faith is faith
and faith
my faith
is overdue to your nourishment
Your sweet, glorious, smiling nourishment

Be gone my parched faith
hope I shall love again
Hope I shall treasure once more
For hope serves me well
Hope will see me past
And I will see the vines
I will feel the roots nest in the satisfied earth

Hope will repay me my patience this once
And there will be fruit upon my soul

Hope dances with dreams
Hope fades like the mist in sunshine
Yet hope stays with frost in the valley

Hope I love you
But why can’t I touch you
Why do you not fade to show me the sun
But you bed me in the valley
And I am cold
I long to be touched
But I am nearly frozen

Hope I love you
But you leave me cold
Will I have a future as true as my fate future?
Will I leave the valley to see the sun?
Will I?
Will I!

I do
save hope shows me…

Unknown "Queen of Jesters" Loving - 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
the most memorable people in life
will be the people who loved you
when you weren`t very loveable.

Unknown "Queen of Jesters" Loving - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
It took me a little while to discover
Wolves in sheep coats who pretend to be lovers
Men who lack conscience will even lie to themselves
A friend once said,and I found to be true
That everyday people,they lie to God too
So what makes you think,that they won't lie to you.

Unknown "Queen of Jesters" Loving - 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago
" So long as you're still worried of what other's think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself, Can you own yourself..."

Unknown "Queen of Jesters" Loving - 17 years, 13 days ago

Cause you're beautiful like a flower
More valuable than a diamond
You are powerful like a fire
You can heal the world with your mind

There is nothing in the world that you cannot do
When you believe in you,

Beautiful Flower, India Arie

Unknown "Queen of Jesters" Loving - 17 years, 13 days ago

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Sonja Beatrix Coetzer
51) 100K compliments of Papa Bear up for grabs for the poem that best express this topic "Why words are the best form of expression"
Sonja Beatrix Coetzer "Sons" Playful - 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago
Hey!! How hav u been?? ^_^
Unknown "mine :)" Lonely - 16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
stopped to shop
You have been given PeekaBoo I SEE U.
Crafted by SINSIN
SINSIN "Sinister" Thirsty - 16 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
Josh Smeaton
make sure you chase me down on your new profile yeah? :*
You have been given Lei'd.
Crafted by Crazy Cat Lady
Josh Smeaton "Gorgeous Josh" Content - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Josh Smeaton

You have been given a flOwer juSt fOr yOu.
Crafted by Unknown
Josh Smeaton "Gorgeous Josh" Content - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
im going to dlete this profile soon..issues..
if u need to find me....Odelle will be the new profile.
Unknown "Queen of Jesters" Loving - 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Candy Shop

Sugar and spice and all things nice...

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