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Leney | - Free online hangout and friends
Ian owns this human at 3535 points.


"Tári Lossëheli"

Leney , 54/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:55 PM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 20 days ago
Location: Canada

"Check out this link!"
About me:
I donno... I am fairly strait forward... honest, loyal, dedicated. I will help you out everytime... and I got 'cher back! I enjoy doing volunteer work for a few different places... I like to have a few drinks and dance... I enjoy flirting, snuggles and warm deep kisses too! How about you?
About you:
I like to meet all kinds of people. Like Minded is good, but opposing views sure do make for a good conversation! I like honesty, open minded people... strait, gay, bi, poly! All the same to me! Come on, life is too short, enjoy the ride!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Thummers Friends Unite, GH and other great soaps
Herds: ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, KRIS'S KREW, Ask Mr Chu, 3 Stooges Private Lounge, Shops Too Awesome For Words, Liezl's Extra Personal Thumbs, MEMBERS ONLY SHOP ITEM PROMOTION, GOLD MEMBERS ONLY
Leney's tales

When I was little, I used to believe in the concept of one best friend. And then I started to become a woman.
And then I found out that if you allow your heart to open up, you will be shown the best in many friends.
One friend is needed when you're going through things with your partner.
Another friend is needed when you're going through things with your parents.
Another will sit beside you in the bleachers as you delight in your children and their activities.
Another when you want to shop, share, heal, hurt, joke, or just be.
One friend will say, 'Let's cry together,' another, 'Let's fight together,' another, 'Let's walk away together.'
One friend will meet your spiritual need, another your shoe fetish, another your love for movies, another will be with you in your season of confusion , another will be your clarifier, another the wind beneath your wings.
But whatever their assignment in your life, on whatever the occasion, on whatever the day, or wherever you need them to meet you with their gym shoes on and hair pulled back, or to hold you back from making a complete fool of yourself........
Those are your best friends.
It may all be wrapped up in one woman, but for many, it's wrapped up in from 6th grade, one from high school, some from the college years, a couple from old jobs.
On some days your mother. On some days your neighbor. On others, your sisters, cousins. And on some days, your daughters.
So whether they've been your friend for 20 minutes or 20 years, AND ONLY IF YOU'D LIKE TO, pass this on to the women who have been placed in your life to make a difference,
And don't forget to send it back to the one who gave it to you, if they have made a difference in your life.
Thanks for being there for me!
*Author Unknown

(Anyone who would like to copy this and put it in their own Tales may do so freely and with Rocking Granny's blessings, for we can't have too many Girls in Our Circle!)

Leney "Tári Lossëheli" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
Hi all... Ugggg... where to start! My dad was here for a visit for about 2 weeks. Yeah! He was on his way home to Newfoundland after a winter in Florida. He got here (Nova Scotia) and had a cold... well guess what? He left yesterday to travel on to NL, but, he left his cold! I just had to give in and go to the Dr. last evening.. I have a chest infection, sinus infection and my very first ever ear infection! Yeah me!

Anyhoo.. if you have any virtual tissues or spewtum buckets I will take them! LOL I am going to add some thumbs, as it has been a while. Give me some time to get back to you in RTF... I will get back to you!

XOXO to all my firends who have checked up with me!
Leney "Tári Lossëheli" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
I added some new stuff to my shop! I hope you like it!
Leney "Tári Lossëheli" Cheeky - 17 years, 7 days ago
Finger Eleven - Falling On lyrics

When you feel so close to some resolve,
You write the words that you're writing for,
But your courage gets dissolved,
Into what, I don't know.

When you feel that way again,
You have to stop your thinking,
And think of what you're here for,
And let the rest of your feelings go.

And you've got to find your balance,
You've got to realize,
You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes, oh.
And if you find you've fallen,
And all your grace is gone,
Just scream for me and I'll be what you're falling on, ooh.

When you feel so close to some resolve,
You say the things that you're standing for,
Don't let your courage get dissolved,
'Cause it's then that the fear grows,

And you've got to find your balance,
You've got to realize,
You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes, oh.
And if you find you're fallin',
And all your grace is gone,
Just scream for me and I'll be what you're falling on, ooh.
Woah, woah.

Just give me the word and I will be there,
Just tell me the words that I've been living for,
Just tell me the things that I've been fighting for,
It's do or die, this is either or,
Just give me the word and I will be there.

You've got to find your balance,
You have to realize,
You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes, oh.
And if you find you're fallin',
And all your grace is gone,
Just scream for me and I'll be what you're falling on.

You've got to find your balance,
You've got to realize,
You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes, oh.
And if you find you're fallin',
And all your grace is gone,
Just scream for me and I'll be what you're falling on, ooh.
Leney "Tári Lossëheli" Cheeky - 17 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
For All Mothers

This is for all the mothers who froze their buns off on metal bleachers at soccer games instead of watching from cars, so that when their kids asked, "Did you see my goal?" They could say, "Of course, I wouldn't have missed it for the world," and mean it.

This is for all the mothers who have sat up all night with sick children in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Oscar Meyer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid saying, "It's OK honey, Mommy's here."

This is for all the mothers of Kosovo who fled in the night and can't find their children. This is for the mothers who gave birth to babies they'll never see and for the mothers who took those babies and gave them homes.

For all the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and sew Halloween costumes and for all the mothers who don't.

What makes a good mother anyway? Is it patience? Compassion? Broad hips? The ability to nurse a baby, cook dinner, and sew a button on a shirt, all at the same time? Or is it heart? Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son or daughter disappear down the street, walking to school alone for the very first time?

The jolt that takes you from sleeping to dread, from bed to crib at 2 a.m. to put your hand on the back of a sleeping baby?

Is it the need to flee from wherever you are and hug your child when you hear news of a school shooting, a fire, a car accident, a baby dying?

I think so.

So this is for all the mothers who sat down with their children and explained all about making babies. And for all the mothers who wanted to but just couldn't.

This is for reading "Goodnight, Moon" twice a night for a year. And then reading it again, "Just one more time".

This is for all the mothers who mess up. Who yell at their kids in grocery store and swat them in despair and stomp their feet like a tired two year old who wants ice cream before dinner.

This is for all the mothers who taught their children to tie their shoelaces before they started to school and for all the mothers who opted for Velcro instead.

For all the mothers who bite their lips (sometimes until they bleed) when their 14 year olds dyed their hair green.

This is for all the mothers who lock themselves in the bathroom when babies keep crying and won't stop.

This is for all mothers who show at work with spit-up in their hair and milkstains on their blouses and diapers in their purse.

This is for mothers who teach their sons to cook and their daughters to sink a jump shot.

This is for all mothers whose heads turn automatically when a little voice calls "Mom?" in a crowd, even though they know their own offspring are at home or are grown.

This is for mothers who put pinwheels and teddy bears on their children's graves.

This is for all the mothers whose children have gone astray and who can't find words to reach them.

This is for all the mothers who sent their child to school with a stomach ache, assuring that they would be just FINE once they got there, only to get a call from the school nurse an hour later asking them to please pick them up right away.

This is for young mothers stumbling through diaper changes and sleep deprivation. And mature mothers learning to let go.

For working moms and stay-at-home moms. Single mothers and married mothers.

Mothers with money and mothers without.

This is for you, so hang in there. The world would be a terrible place without the love of mothers everywhere. You make it a more civil, caring and safe place for the precious children in our world.

Leney "Tári Lossëheli" Cheeky - 17 years, 3 months, 14 days ago

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Ian "Ninja☆Bunny " - 2 years, 5 months, 15 days ago

nuns with guns You have been given nuns with guns.
Crafted by Ian
Ian "Ninja☆Bunny " - 4 years, 11 months, 18 days ago

        You have been given .
Crafted by 000X000
Ian "Ninja☆Bunny " - 10 years, 6 months, 6 days ago
Ian "Ninja☆Bunny " - 11 years, 5 months, 15 days ago

A Good Petting! You have been given A Good Petting!.
Crafted by Leney
stevie Frisky - 12 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
Ian "Ninja☆Bunny " - 12 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
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Leney's shop
Licks 4 U

Just stuff that I like, that I hope you like too! Shop till you drop and give to your favorite pets! Hope you like my shop! *licks*

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