Today a sad song I must sing, Tonight the bell of sorrow'll ring... no jocking, it's not that sad héhéhé, it's just a stupid boy leaving Human Pet (me)
Hp is a great great place! i met nice people here, and some became my friends and i met some of them in real life and its really cool!
but it's also something taking a lot of time everyday and i don't have this time anymore :(
i love you all and really hope we'll keep in touch, i'm not leaving FB so you can add me as a friend! i'll be really happy to have news from you! really!
i tried to say good bye to most of the people i met here, but i may have forget some of you, i'm sorry if i did!
love you all *HUGS* wish you can get happier and happier everyday!
god bless you
btw: the trip in china was incredibly great (i'm gonna post some pictures on FB when i'll have some free time)! the best days in my life! i'm now wanting to go back china to join GF as soon as possible so i'm looking for a job in beijing^^ JIA YOU!
let's end this tale with a really nice song "secret of my heart", most of you must know it if you like Detective Conan héhéhé... *HUGS* you all
Unknown"Ninja Master"Loyal
- 16 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
so if you wanna speak with me durong this period send me email! basile_minsc at hotmail dot com it's better!
Unknown"Ninja Master"Loyal
- 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
i leave france the 2/07/08 and will be back the 16/08/08
i'll spend 1 week in Beijing with my girlfriend, 4 weeks in Xi'An trying to learn good chinese and 1 week in Shanghai area with a pet i adore héhéhé
i don't know if i'll have a lot of time to come on HP during this 6 weeks, i really hope i'll do so many interesting things that i'll have no free time to connect hp :p
i love you all, i know i was not connected a lot and that i'm really late in replying to your comments... strust me i adore everyone of you and will reply... one day^^
*HUGS* to all! Unknown"Ninja Master"Loyal
- 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
Unknown"Ninja Master"Loyal
- 16 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
here is a song i really love, of course i can't understand lyrics... but i love the way it sounds, sometimes reminds me weezer's pinkerton album...
today in france it's music's day, for the first day of summer everybody who can play music go in the street and play for fun and for free, all day and all night long... there are concerts in every streets, everybody is out... i'll go to the japanese cultural house to see Halcali's concert, i think it's gonna be great!
good summer to you all!
Unknown"Ninja Master"Loyal
- 16 years, 9 months, 12 days ago