There must be a plague going on today. Everybody seems so lifeless, even the mountains were shrouded by thick clouds today. The air feels cold, and everybody is moody.
For the first time in 2008, I slept during a class today. I only remember feeling kind of sad, just thinking about the past, while the lecturer droned on about RIPing images. In the end, I gave up and succumbed to my sleep. To my right, and to my right's right, was asleep too.
Perhaps I shouldn't have gone out for drinks yesterday, otherwise I would've gotten more than 5 hours of sleep.
During lunch today I saw a group of my friends either stoning or dozing off at the canteen table. I managed to scare one of them just by standing beside him and say, "Hey Jonz."
*omgwtfbbq you scared me!!*
The ride to dinner was a quiet affair as well. I don't know why, I just didn't feel like talking. "She" came to my house again. Why must she come so often? She just spoils my mood.
Today was better, I guess. CC was here, and CL went who knows where, so it was just CC and her in the room. Made my mood a little better I guess. Good enough to write finish one of my assignments. However, CC went home before I finished my second assignment. Noooo! I have totally no mood to write now. Haha kidding. I'm just feeling a little accomplished now that I have finished one assignment.
3 assignments and 2 more mid terms to go.
Unknown "Loving Jeremy~" Purring
- 17 years, 6 days ago