Fuker, was inversed in the art of wu shu and though goat was able to counter attack, unable to attack fuker eventually lost. Upset by the lost, goat plotted his escape, to find a martial arts master in japan to impart him further arts.. but goat didn't have to go far, coz after he escape, he met a japanese master in karate in the amazons... the japanese master progressed to teach goat the stances and forms of attack. Feeling strong already goat went to challenge a tiger from malaysia wondering in the amazon jungle. Unknown to goat, the tiger was well verse in silat. and though goat was able to fend him off it ended in a stalemate as goat armlocked the tiger but unable to beat down the tiger. The tiger than taught him throws and slam though goat already knew some from the samurai. Now feeling very confident, goat went back to the dungeons and defeated the evil warlord. The end.
Unknown "gOaT" Thirsty
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
So, goat began to train himself in the arts of unarmed combat. He met this samurai who travelled far and wide and was wondering in the jungles of amazon, the samurai was curious by this dungeon and was walking by when he saw goat one snow practicing martial arts... Amazed, the samurai began exchanging pointeres with goat and soon imparted goat with the knowledge of aikido, the art of counter attack. Goat thought he was superior with ocunter attack art and approached a wolf called fuker to fight.
Unknown "gOaT" Thirsty
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
one snow was a timid little goat, skinny like bones and timid, he wasn't the type of goat that would dominate the herd. As he grew older he was very sad that the herd was getting smaller and smaller because of the evil warlord. One day while drinking water from the stream in their enclosure. He met a fish called YuSheng. Yu Sheng was smart and charismatic, he convinced goat one snow that he had to rise up against the evil warlord and change the ways of the dungeon.
Unknown "gOaT" Thirsty
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
In the deep dark dungeons of amazon, there was a warlord who kept heaps of goats and consumes them one at a day. Nothing could stop his fiery appetite as he apparently is the enemy of the goats. And within this herd of goats, a new goat named Yii Xue was borned.. Borned on a rare ice hail night in the amazon rain forest, the goat elders decided to name him goat one snow.
Unknown "gOaT" Thirsty
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago