i have given notice at my job...
i have worked here for 7 yrs. but the work i do is breaking my body down at an amazing rate. i crawl though rat shit, attack nests of angry wasps, lug buckets of cement through crawl spaces 1 1/2 -2 feet deep... and have been doing all this with a herniated disk in my neck! i put up with self righteous over pampered prissy ass house wives who think that because I'm a woman in their house I'm going to try and sleep with their fat, bald, greasy nasty ass husbands. I've had those same husbands fallow me into crawl spaces, trying to "make sure I'm doing my job right" when really all they want to do is try and squeeze me into some small space to make me feel uncomfortable... what they don't understand is the only thing that makes me uncomfortable is my almost overwhelming desire to smash their face in with my mag light. of course that would cost me my job... so i so far i have restrained myself...
anyways, the whole idea of quitting freaks me out. i have both of my kids living with me now and have depended on the stability. and at the same time i know that things will work them selfs out in the end.... they always do!
Unknown "Pricey whore" Feisty
- 17 years, 3 days ago