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Unknown's tales
"My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess

My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber

Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world’s end
The wind sails over the water’s surface
Quietly, but surely"

Act IV of Loveless (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII)

Unknown Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
well..... just to put something here.... here is the first chapter of a story that i have started to write. hope ya'll enjoy it

Revenge Is Best Served Cold Chapter One

Blood was rushing from the wound. A young boy, curled up in a corner, watching as his father was cut across the throat. The boy’s mother sprawled out among the ground, her left arm gone. The blood was everywhere, even upon the boy’s face.
A tall stocky man, shaded by the darkness, lifted the boy’s father by the throat, the blood flowing freely upon the man’s hand, crashing upon the ground.
“I told you that I would destroy you, didn’t I?” the man spoke. The boy’s father could only nod. With that, the man squeezed the father’s neck, crushing his esophagus. The man laughed as he tossed the father’s limp body next to the mother’s.
The boy grabbed the sword that his father had given him, tears crashing upon the ground, and charged at the man, his anger now taking over.
“Foolish child,” was all the man said before kicking the boy in the chest, the force of the kick sending the boy flying into a wall. “For that, you will die by my hands.”

“Arg…” a young man grunted as he awoke. “It never fails…” he whispered with a chuckle. The morning light was beginning to slowly fill the bedroom, the light showing the outline of the young succubus that lay next to him. He softly smiled and kissed her forehead, causing her to awaken slightly, her light grey eyes beginning to open. A soft smiled formed upon her rosy lips.
“Is it morning already hun?” she whispered softly, her voice soft and sweet.
“That it is my dear.” The young man whispered back softly, a smile forming upon his light brown lips.
The sun was shining brightly as it began to rise on the sleeping city of Dis. The bright sunlight awakening the demons that inhabited the city. Life was peaceful in the grand city of Dis. Every demon knew who not to mess with; everyone knew which demons were the most powerful. Every demon tormented the half-breeds, except for one.
The young half-breed began to rise slowly from the comfort of his bed, the young succubus also rising. His long icy blue hair cascading around his shoulders, a few stray strands tickling his nose, causing him to sneeze.
“Take care.” The young succubus said with a giggle. “Don’t want you to turn into a fairy now.” He smiled over at her, his fiery red eyes looking into her bright yellow irises, her long red hair enhancing the features of her beautiful face. “You wouldn’t want to be a fairy, now would you Master Edur Eld?” the succubus questioned as she stepped closer to the young man.
“No, I wouldn’t want to become a fairy.” Edur said softly, a smile upon his tan lips. “Good.” She smiled and grabbed his arms, placing them upon her waist, her slender arms wrapping around his neck. Edur smiled down at her, the sunlight shining upon his tan skin and her milky white flesh.
“Thank you my Freya Heffernan.” Edur whispered gently. Freya smiled and kissed him gently, her smooth tail wrapping around his furry tail. The morning light shined over them as the kissed. Life was peaceful in the grand city of Dis.

The static from a radio could be heard in a near by ally, a figured sheltered by the shadows slowly picked up the device.
“Ay.” Was all the figure stated, his dark deep voice hushed into a whisper to keep a cover in the shadows.
“Are you ready for the ambush?” came through the radio with some static.
“Ay.” Was all the man said.

Unknown Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago

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