== For doing ==
last week I thought the wind would never stop blowing
as I hid under my duvet on the bed with the crumpled heap
of clothing eyeing me from the furthest corner of the room
now I'm replenished with warm weather and sunshine and
the beginnings of a tan spreading slowly across my back
I can feel the start of a new week approaching, cautiously
tiptoeing around the remnants of a solitary weekend
filled with long silences, active listening and thinking
The expectancy of this coming week doesn't scare me as
much as my underlying urge to empty it of obligations
in the vain hope I'd be left alone, to think and listen to music and daydream peacefully for hours on end
yet knowing this I'm eager to live out there in the world where
time seems to have a different pace and thoughts blur into one or
leave altogether to make room
for doing.
Nina "elysium" Inspired
- 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago