1. Food can solve any problem, suffering or indecision. I have soup when I'm cold, a slice of chocolate cake when I feel like crying, and I make cookies when I want time to think about something.
2. No I'm not fat, yet. I will get back to you in one year or so... I believe I will have fixed this problem.
3. I have slips of paper with recipes written on them in very strange places, all around my house. Take your mind out of the gutter... I meant my sock drawer or a pair of boots.
4. I am a very messy person, the things around me and my thoughts included. The only exception to this is my kitchen. I really like to organize my condiments drawer, it's a hobby actually.
5. About thirty people have told me that I am sarcastic, at one point or another in my life. I better not answer that, because I tend to be mean when I feel cornered.
6. I read manga every day.
7. It's a secret pain of mine the fact that I can't sing to save my life.
8. I want to be Jamie Oliver's kitchen bitch but I'm still working up the courage to send him an e-mail.
9. People who believe in Astrology and Zodiac signs creep me out. Stop trying to win me over, I'm not coming to the dark side even if you have cookies.
10. I do not understand poetry. After the first two or three lines the words start swirling in my head and I get very, very sleepy.
11. I associate all modern art with a giant sponge for washing dishes that smells of marijuana. I don't have copyright for that, so you can use it if it fancies you.
12. I have low blood pressure so waking up is painful for me and scary for those trying to rise me from my slumber. In those peculiar moments I can kill people with my Evil Eye.
13. I believe I was a samurai in a past life. There is no other way to explain my interest in everything japanese.
14. I believe self irony is the greatest form of humor.
15. I wish I was a team leader or a person who is able to convince people to do stuff. Even more than that I would love to be an Evil Leader and I secretly hope my reign will start one of these days.
16. I think genetics and my parents played the ultimate joke on me when they gave me this stupid baby face. It makes it difficult to train for my job as an Evil Leader.
17. I've had some funny to strange nicknames over the time. My friend and co-worker Iulia being the mastermind behind the greatest of them all: Bestia (Beast) Teriyaki, Lord of the Shrimps. I like to call myself Fluffy the Reaper.
18. I played football with the boys back home when I was growing up. The results of that period are my scarred knees and ability to drink with the best of them.
19. I want to be a chef when I grow up and since I look like I'm 14, I figure I can wait ten years before I attempt anything in that direction. God forbids they would turn me down because I'm not of legal age yet.
20. Having a lemon tree in my courtyard is my fantasy. That and an affair with a character from a favorite anime. You're not gonna believe this but he has a very big sword.
21. I have an acute sense of smell, that's why I don't like wearing perfume or why I can't smoke.
22. I don't like small dogs.
23. I like to watch old American movies: Singing in the rain, Casablanca, Wizard of Oz, Cat on a hot tin roof.
24. My dog Mika can understand everything I say. And yes I did talk to a doctor about this, but he wasn't able to convince me otherwise.
25. I do believe in soul mates and all that shit. I've known mine for 23 years. Lucky me!
Oana "oma" Feisty
- 15 years ago