You pity something like two thirds of the French population so :D
Basically, I am pretty good at written English. Unlike most people, I have not many problems speaking English, but understanding it when spoken. People usually understand it better than they speak it. I'm a weirdo :)
My English level is enough in my opinion. Now, I want to have a level in Swedish that could allow me to understand and speak at least a little !
Yep, they imagine that French is the world number 1 language as it was in the 18ths... English level in France is so low... I have always been the best in English classes in France but compared to Swedes or Dutch, or people from many other nationalities, my level is looooow. That's obnoxious how French people shit on English :/
French people basically complain all the time. They don't want to work at all and always think about themselves. Finally they tend to ignore that France is not the greatest country in the world. Of course, you might have understood that none of these adjectives can apply to me 8)