You feel lost and rushed, put on the spot. Making the wrong decisions under pressure, and all the times you cry about it..won’t matter. Everyone is focused on your mistake and you’re no longer a person..at least not a whole one. You’re degraded in their eyes and degraded in your own. And all these past memories are forced hauntings that you relive in nightmares every night. They never fucking go away! Images of all the ones you hurt..and the only thing you can do is wish that tomorrow will be okay, but it never will be. It gets under your skin and waits, gets brought up in your weakest moments..when you’re vulnerable. Forcing you to give up and let it sink its teeth in for the kill. Everything you’ve ever done wrong becomes an excuse, an excuse to beat yourself up and to form an unbreakable hatred. You keep taking the fall just to get up and take it again. Unfortunately it won’t ever be fixed or lost. Especially if others are involved because you know they’re constantly waiting for that moment to say "I told you so". Then the flashbacks rush in, all the mean things said to you are easy to believe. And when they can’t forgive, you can’t forget. So..what’s the point in trying?
Unknown "Saolyn" Playful
- 16 years, 8 months, 5 days ago
I think people can be mindless idiots sometimes. Who in their right mind would want to dive in with sharks? This isn't just because I'm scared shitless of them. The facts are, they ATTACK, even if it's merely an accident. So, why jump in with them? Do you think they want to be bothered? Sharks come off as grumpy loners to me..and I think they WANT to be that way. Eh, whatever. At least I'm not in there with them, so by all means..become a bloody mess, be shark food. Reenact Jaws!..It might be more entertaining.
Unknown "Saolyn" Playful
- 16 years, 8 months, 5 days ago