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"The Don"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Mika Hofsaess
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Unknown's tales
After Ness's brilliant recount of her concert experience I had this sudden inspired urge to share my first circus experience in my little home country of South Africa(it's not award material..just a humble few notes. I was at the naughty age of 10 years old.


My Mum rushed into the kitchen that morning and said that she had a big surprise for us and we must guess what it is. After getting a clout for saying " a baby sister" my mum informed us that she bought us tickets for the circus.

I hesistantly asked whether that is place with the arena where they feed naughty kids to the lions as she has threatened me with before. I was glad to learn that it was a place of joy with clowns,animals and lots of sweets. Suddenly my cornflakes just melted in my mouth and no longer needed a half an hours chewing.

When I got to school I received even more exciting news..WE ARE GOING TO SEE THE PARADE COMING THROUGH TOWN IN SCHOOL TIME!!!! Maybe I should just enlighten you here by explaining that the total number of residents in the town was 578 people.

So just after first break we marched down to the main street. Suddenly we heard sirens going and Uncle Piet came around the corner on his polished(hurt my eyes) traffic cop motorbike. He had a huge smile on his face becuase that was the first time in 18 years of loyal service that he could use his sirens.

THEN I saw THEM. There was this beautiful auntie in a gorgeous costume riding on an elephant(All the boys including me immediately had a crush on her). Then followed some lions in cages on trucks, some eerie looking red nosed guy on an even stranger looking little car and each time he hooted a big cloud of smoke came from the car(I thought he better get that fixed before he blows us all up). Some people swing from big swings, a brass band and a lady with some coloured poodles.

That night we were bathed and ready to go at 16h00 but alas the show only started 19h00. When we got there, there was this massive tent(glad I didn't have hit in all those tent pegs). My mum bought my brother and I each a little bottle of coke, some candy floss and a colourful program.

We entered the tent and was shown to our seats.(actually just planks in rows with splinters to keep you awake).

At last the lights went out and a spotlight welcomed a guy with a longtailed suit.AHA..the ringmaster. He informed us about changes in the program( no trapeze act coz Aunt Sannies traditional food made the swingegrs all sick)

First the elephants came storming in(they must have been excited coz they dropped a few dung presents) followed by the beautiful aunty. Embalmed by the stinging aroma of elephant perfume we watched them running around in circles, stand on their knees, stand on each others backs and picking up the lady with their tusks without chewing on her. She left with thunderous applause.

Then came the eerie little rednosed man(could be a scary theme in a movie) and his little car and he had a few short little helpers. Got another clout,,"no they are not elves they are dwarves" (i"m so glad Lord of the Rings came out later or else I would have probably been sent home). Well they did some funny things and scared a couple of babies, but I guess they were ok.

Then came the lady with coloured poodles. They were too cute and did lots of tricks. The one poodle tried to jump on the other one's back every now and then,,the adults thought it was funny but us kids didn't.

Then it was INTERVAL. We each got a bag of popcorn and a cone.

The show started again and there were several jugglers juggling things I couldn't even throw.

Then came a beautiful young girl from Russia who did all sorts of things hanging from a rope. Can only remember the girl not the tricks.

Then we had some anxious moments whilst they put the lion cages together and struggled to get the lions in. Another beautiful lady entered, but this time I was rather watching the lions. They did lots of tricks including jumping through fire.I enjoyed that.

Then came 2 guys riding on motorbikes in a big round steel bally thingy without crashing into each other. That was cool even though they didn't fall once.

Then suddenly the lights came on and it was all over.

We were so disappointed..wanted it to last longer.

Had all sorts of exciting dreams that night.

Unknown "The Don" Content - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
I realised I have a problem...I'm a HP shopaholic...I can't go past a free pet for more than 3 days, then I have to buy this unfair to other potential owners???????
Unknown "The Don" Content - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
My grade 0 poetry effort


I got this application from a friend
which I viewed with some hesitation
I clicked to reach the destination
and boy was I happy in the end

I met people from small to tall
most of them I did not know at all
All of them were kind
and stimulated my mind

I had some great bosses
and some wonderful pets
that behaved well at the vets
I also suffered no losses

My searches took me from Spain
and everywhere else including Bloemfontein
so now I rush to get on the net
to pet every human pet

Unknown "The Don" Content - 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
Thank you to all of you out there for your patience with a novice and for all the kindness I have been treated with so far. You are a brilliant bunch and made me a human pet fanatic.
Unknown "The Don" Content - 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago

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grace andrew

by grace

Dearest one, My name is grace,

I am very happy to view your profile here today,

as I'm interested in knowing you.

reply me through my private email address at

( )

so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace

write direct to my email ok

dont write at the site ok
grace andrew - 10 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
Leaving HP
I do try to keep you entertained Myburgh!!

You have been given a flappy dance in the hills.
Crafted by Rosita Esgard
Leaving HP "Once upon a Hp" Injured - 16 years, 5 months ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #132) *surgically enhanced* You have been surgically enhanced
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months, 15 days ago
Mika Hofsaess

You have been given AH-HA! THERE YOU ARE!!!.
Crafted by KRYCKETTE
Mika Hofsaess "Superpet" Cheeky - 16 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
Mika Hofsaess

You have been given I Can't Find My Owner......
Crafted by Loz
Mika Hofsaess "Superpet" Cheeky - 16 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
Hi Myburgh .... hope you are well!
You have been given hello .
Crafted by nicholas
Christina "Desert Rose" Purring - 16 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
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