Now I lay me down to sleep
Into my mind thoughts start to creep
They fill my head so full of dread
That all I do is sob and weep
Wish I knew why I feel like this
Can't see the snake, but I hear the hiss
I know it's there, just don't know where
It's about to bite and it won't miss
The worst part is not knowing when
I know what's wrong, but still I cry
Have no control, I've lost my soul..again
I'll feel no peace until I die
Look at the clock as I lay here
I'm all alone, no one is near
I try my best, but I can't rest
Along my cheek I feel a tear
When I layed down it was one o'clock
Now it's five and I've had no luck
Won't sleep till dawn, or later on
I sometimes wonder why I give a fuck
Part of me dies everyday
How much remains I cannot say
I can't hold on, too much is gone
What's left will simply blow away... one day
When into my lungs breath comes easy again
And when my heart no longer has this pain
It's then I'll be where Angels tread
This life for now I have come to shed....and one day
I'll not lose the love that took my breath away
Unknown "cookie monster" Evasive
- 17 years, 1 month, 19 days ago