The hip hop class on monday was tough.. haha Learning to dance an afro hip hop coreoagraphy wasn't easy. Shaking every part of my body and letting arms and legs fly isn't the easiest way to dance for sure. I felt like a complete moron. But it was fun...
To bad my back don't feel the same way... grrr it doesn't feel too good these days.. I can hardly bend over and stretch... lol it's worth it.. and for my bff Tori... you're gonna learn this dance as well.. no doubt about it.. I'm gonna teach you when we get to Oslo in April.. as far as I can remember anyways.. haha
Other then this, days are slow... I'm waiting my ass off for the spring to come along.. Why does it take so looooong??? *sigh*
I don't like the snow and I don't want it here... It's annoying with the ice all over and the small chances of walking without falling.. =(
Unknown "My Nateee =)" Tired
- 17 years, 27 days ago