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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"My Nateee =)"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Norwegian Herds

3150 pts

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50 pts
Unknown's tales
The hip hop class on monday was tough.. haha Learning to dance an afro hip hop coreoagraphy wasn't easy. Shaking every part of my body and letting arms and legs fly isn't the easiest way to dance for sure. I felt like a complete moron. But it was fun...
To bad my back don't feel the same way... grrr it doesn't feel too good these days.. I can hardly bend over and stretch... lol it's worth it.. and for my bff Tori... you're gonna learn this dance as well.. no doubt about it.. I'm gonna teach you when we get to Oslo in April.. as far as I can remember anyways.. haha

Other then this, days are slow... I'm waiting my ass off for the spring to come along.. Why does it take so looooong??? *sigh*
I don't like the snow and I don't want it here... It's annoying with the ice all over and the small chances of walking without falling.. =(

Unknown "My Nateee =)" Tired - 17 years, 27 days ago
Haven't exactly noticed this tale thingy before. haha Ups... I guess I'm slow at this thing.
Oh well...
If I'm suppose to tell what I've been up to these last few days in this I might as well get started.

Yesterday (monday) I went back to hip hop class for the 4th time.. Yikes.. it was harder then I thought it would be.. lol I didn't manage to stay with it. Not this time.. Next monday will be better, I'm sure.. Can't wait though. It's sooo much fun and such a great workout. Recomended if you wanna get into shape some how... =P

Also would like to say... I'm really exiting about going to Oslo in April with my best friend Tori. =) We're gonna go see the Backstreet Boys. YEAH... you read right.. I'm a fan and proud of it... The guys are coming back in April and I'm gonna be there. YAY... Got a hotel room also though... so the whole weekend (April 11th-13th) gonna be spend in Oslo.. woot woot...

Unknown "My Nateee =)" Tired - 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago

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karen   M
Happy Easter
Hi! Thumbed Ya Some! You have been given Hi! Thumbed Ya Some!.
Crafted by Trouble Maker
karen M "jerry spice" Loyal - 15 years, 11 months, 10 days ago

You have celebrated Easter with Human Pets and bunneh! .
Unknown "My Toriiii... =)" Calm - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
You were taken on a trip! You have trained as a ninja.
Unknown "My Toriiii... =)" Calm - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Thanks for the pet. Yr profile has been thumbed too.
You have been given something that goes to anything..
Crafted by
Unknown "Mini ME" Growling - 17 years, 14 days ago
ty lol..selv om jeg ikke liker gele!kan ha de til pynt
You were taken on a trip! You have sailed on a cruise.
Unknown "My Toriiii... =)" Calm - 17 years, 15 days ago
thanks for shoppin..
You have been given *Bow BOW* Thank You! .
Crafted by
Unknown "For Sale" peaceful - 17 years, 16 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Izzy's ''A little something''

In this store you can find something for everyone.
I know easter is around the corner so I'm gonna put out some items going along with that... If there is anything at all (pretty much no matter what) that you would like to see in my shop that you can't find anywhere else, then let me know and I'll add it. =)

Enjoy and shop 'til you drop..

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A little something for the lady.
1 use

500 pts
A little something for the lady.
Bought by 8 people
Miss Universe Crown
1 use

1000 pts
Miss Universe Crown
Bought by 2 people
A diamond bra... It will cost ya
1 use

2000 pts
A diamond bra... It will cost ya
Bought by 1 people
Let her know you love her. =)
1 use

350 pts
Let her know you love her. =)
Bought by 3 people
Happy Easter crystal...
1 use

400 pts
Happy Easter crystal...
Bought by 10 people
Cute cat ''easter bunny'' =)
1 use

300 pts
Cute cat ''easter bunny'' =)
Bought by 22 people
For the lady of your life
1 use

800 pts
For the lady of your life
Bought by 2 people
something that goes to anything.
1 use

500 pts
something that goes to anything.
Bought by 6 people
earings white gold,topaz,diamo n
1 use

800 pts
earings white gold,topaz,diamo n
Bought by 5 people
Easter cupcakes
1 use

250 pts
Easter cupcakes
Bought by 15 people
Easter friends
1 use

250 pts
Easter friends
Bought by 37 people
Relaxing easter bunny..
1 use

250 pts
Relaxing easter bunny..
Bought by 19 people
For the musiclover
1 use

400 pts
For the musiclover
Bought by 8 people
something cool for the guy
1 use

500 pts
something cool for the guy
Bought by 2 people
eatable mens underwear
1 use

200 pts
eatable mens underwear
Bought by 38 people
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