Oh the tales I could tell! This will be my first attempt to write a "tale" for all to see. I was always told that to tell a "tale" is the same as a fib, or lie. So.... with that being said.... here goes.
I was born a poor black child in a rural community of Alabama in 1954. My family was an eclectic mix of Sunnai Muslims, Chinese, and Rawandans. My Chinese family members must have been prophets, because they would tell me that someday the Chinese would take over the world, and be a Super Power in the early 2000's. Man were them little fuckers right! The Muslims and Rawandans in my family always seemed to argue.... I tried to stay out of it as best I could. And though I spent most of my days polishing semi automatic guns and cleaning the meth lab... I never felt scared as a child... and I always felt loved..... mostly by the Chinese members though.
My childhood was interesting and eventful, but it made me into the white woman I am today.... I have no regrets... and even though I work as an Emergency Trauma Nurse now.... there are days I miss the smell of the meth lab....and the feel of those guns!
Unknown "Andrea" Growling
- 17 years, 28 days ago