What is with these little "Someone has a Crush on you" advertisements....how would the computer know who has a crush on me? or my cell phone for that matter? Unknown"Red Heat"Bold
- 16 years, 11 months, 22 days ago
Tricky Ricky Ticky Tavi has a good one:
So the other day, I'm walking home. My route goes by the Church of Latter Day Saints (i.e. The Mormons) Two insanely good lookin' well dressed young men appear and ask for my number...I acctually took a minute to think about it...then decided that they were really interested in the preachin', and I was interested in...well, other things... :) Unknown"Red Heat"Bold
- 17 years, 5 days ago
Too Sleepy Possum whispers:
I want to go back to bed. Unknown"Red Heat"Bold
- 17 years, 6 days ago
Famished Flamingo is:
hungry for street meat~mmmmm Unknown"Red Heat"Bold
- 17 years, 14 days ago
Helpful Hamster Notices:
That stuffing envelopes makes for VERY dry hands...also makes for many papercuts...NOTE TO SELF: Don't offer to help out for mailings especially when there are over 3500 envelopes to go out! Unknown"Red Heat"Bold
- 17 years, 14 days ago