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"Totally Owned "
Name: |
Unknown, 34/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 8:59 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago |
Location: | NY United States
"Future Evil Dictator who loves cookies." |
About me:
About you:
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds: | Deceiving Innocence, gwynnnieee is loved, ~Anime Shops~ | |
Unknown's tales
I was recalling the fears that I use to have as a child. I would sleep before midnight arrived, because if not I would not be able to control myself over hoping that a strange creature like: a headless man on our roof waiting for someone to go outside and chop of your head; if you did not pray at night, a witch in form of an owl would come to your window and suck our your brains over the fact that you were not baptized; and things like that...would not appear. When I arrived to the USA, the time difference was of 1-2 hours from Honduras, so 12am would sometimes arrive and I would not feel scared or anything like that... and I was recalling that I sleep past 12am and nothing has ever happened because its not true. What makes me feel that I was too childish is that I was too concerned of th clock. XD
Unknown "Totally Owned " Purring
- 16 years, 6 months, 7 days ago
There was a stage in my life where supernatural events happened. Maybe it was me overthinking things and beleaving them to be abnormal. The death of a neighboor came, the day of his death continued by two other, the neighboorhood was chaotic. Since I lived on a hill, the busses were a bit scary to travel in..or any sort of vehicule. The day after his death, a bus flipped over and killed about 40 or so people. The wind would make small whirlpools. I saw them many times during school, and they were visible because I used to eat in the garden beside the principal's office, so the fallen leaved would dance. I was creeped out and so were my classmates, and on the third day my sister almost died. She even thought her name was Maria, when in reality is Bessy. Luckly she was saved because my mom prayed to god with all her might. After that I realized that our neighboor who had died had a pact with the devil. The people who died within that week/month were all taken away by him. 'How do you know?' you might ask, it's because someone found a list, with all the names of the dead people on his house...The wind whirlpools stopped, and so did the massacres near our neighboorhood, on the day of my sister's accident...
Unknown "Totally Owned " Purring
- 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
When I was in elementary school..it was in 3rd grade or so..My friend and I, were doing homework in the front porch at my house.. It was very quiet..and suddenly, without hearing any sounds, we saw an owl. A couple of days before, I heard from a neighbor or someone that they were from hell..or meant something bad...The owl was white and it's eyes were red..and we saw that somehow it reflected some moving flames.. Of course we freaked out, and even if we didn't believe that much in god, we ran to the backyard with a bible on my hands and when we got to a safe place (so we thought) started reading the bible. When we wanted to see if it was still there, we found out that it wasn't. We asked people if they saw it, but they all say no. Untill now, I still haven't figure it out if our eyes were playing a trick on us..or that we really did see that owl. No pictures of that creature..or how freaked out we were because I was still in Honduras.
Unknown "Totally Owned " Purring
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Evil Store--y.
Just an evil store that ends with a Y, rather than a X. <3
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