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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Sex Kittens, Dark Carnival, Corsets, Burlesques, and Pinups!, After Dark, SEXY VIXENS
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"Mr. Wonderful"
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70 pts
Unknown's tales
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Sometimes I wish I was a penguin and could mate for life with the one that I love knowing that nothing short of disaster would tear us apart...then I remember that absance makes the heart grow fonder and it's all worth it. This cuddly critter is happy to report that she is in love and wants to tell the world.
Unknown Wild - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Well this has been a very long season of absance for me but I am back temporarily. In my new dwelling I still do not have internet and I doubt I ever will as I will be pursuing my educational goals come Septemeber withthe fine faculty at Augustana University. thought life has been churning quite quickly for me I have managed to stay bright through it all. unfortunatly through the mess I have had to lose my best friend. I love you Shadow, and miss you terribly.
You know, I was under the impression that after losing a pet one would be upset for a while and then the pain would fade, but here I am 3 months later and yesteday I could not stop crying over my beloved girl. I realised that I blame myself for losing our home, and in turn having to lose her, and I also realised that I should just accept what had to happen. Yet, I can't help but feel that had I done something different I would have been able to make things alot better than they are now.
Don't go feeling sorry for me or anything, I am okay, have missed you all terribly and will be back sooner rather than latter. For now Im off to stock up acorns for my trip back to the wild, back to the lake, and back to my real home- nature.
Unknown Wild - 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
so I finally get online after a hectic while and I have 70 sum application invites. Does anyone else hate these things or is it just me? but of course I cant hit the "ignore all" button because I might miss something that I like (ie: scramble). So as I start scrolling through these things I find one for Canadian beauty. Now I understand that beauty contests are still a part of culture despite their obvious negative aspects, so I decided to join. Do you know what I saw as I browsed the candidates? Too much of everything!

Girls, you do not need to show off every inch of skin legal in order to win a beauty pagent and I am here to prove that wrong. If you think that we should take a step toward decentcy without backing away from astetic beauty vote for me:

Unknown Wild - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Well life has certsanly been moving fast for this little birdie. On top of school, work, the play, being a camp facilitator, and the business I am also being forced to move. We aren't really sure where I'll be living yet but it will probably be at my sisters or in the spare room at the apartment. Either way I can't have my beloved pup Shadow with me. It's not enough for my life, home, and sanity to be ripped away from me- I also have to lose my best friend.
Unknown Wild - 17 years, 12 days ago
Recently in Alberta there have been a number of incidents involving children and toddlers abandoned in the cold completely unprepared for th weather. Last week 2 Saskatchewan girls were taken outside in -42 degree Celcius weather wearing just their diapers and Tshirts. The girls were found two days later with no chance of revival. That same week and Edmontonian Police Officer had to break into a car where atoddler had been left without heat or a jacket for over an hour, he was alive but suffering from hypothermia...and HOUR later the mother returned not understanding the rationality in taking her son from the vehicle.

Disposable Youth? Apparently to some people yes. Why is it that when animals are left in these conditions it is all over the media and peole try to do something about but when young, innocent human lives are the ones at stake people act as though tis just antoher day. While society is spending millions of dollars trying to clone organs and figure out how to make people live past 100years we are ignoring the young and allowing them to drop like unwanted insects. I'm not sure about all of you but I'd rahter have some strong young people around to help take care of me and run this country than some people who are older than the trees in my back yard.

Unknown Wild - 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
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Little Cat HP prince
opps alittle foward for your page well then come spank me iv ben a bad sexy cat...........................
You have been given Spanked.
Crafted by Syed Amin Bakht
Little Cat HP prince "PrInCe" Naughty - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
Little Cat HP prince
hi sweet let me interduce my self with this i spell my name then with a sweet kiss and small bite on your lip my name is to hot too handle and came to say thanks for your complaments and hope you will retern purr xxxx
You have been given ice tease.
Crafted by Alchera
Little Cat HP prince "PrInCe" Naughty - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
Little Cat HP prince

You have been given Hugs and Roses.
Crafted by Jackie
Little Cat HP prince "PrInCe" Naughty - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Little Cat HP prince
well hihihihihiii
Little Cat HP prince "PrInCe" Naughty - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
:( I miss it too, never catch you on though!! lol

My phone is always on me though :P feel free to text any time
Unknown "Fender" Petulant - 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago

You have been given See you in my dreams..
Crafted by
Unknown "Zach" Growling - 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
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