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"Kitty Lover"
"Stunning Beauty"
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"Kasia chan"
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Unknown's tales
"Where Are They" Continued Part 3... made life for them easier and gone by faster. I have been told I have a great sense of humor, but know when to stop and work. I have at times given up, though, in this game of love, because being myself is just not working, I am a old fashion romantic who loves having fun doing just about anything, even if its just laying down in a park looking up at the stars next to the girl of my dreams comparing what we see in the sky. I am a rare person, I know this, and I consider myself good looking, but not the best looking and I consider my personality to be an original one, one that is hard to find. I am one of these nice guys that seem to be getting no where, wondering why I can't find the one girl that would believe us when we say I love you or, you are beautiful or, in my case, I will give you a back massage. Why are the nice guys leaving this world. I give advice to other guys on how to treat women and it works, but shortly after they go back to being an ass and lose their girlfriend. So I ask this question where have we all gone and when will you ladies give us a chance to be ourselves and trust us when we tell you our true feelings. I want everyone who reads this to post comments on how you feel about this I want to hear it tell me the bitter truth or the sweet truth. I am not here to get mad at anyone for your true feelings, why would I get mad at someone for letting the world know their feelings on this subject. Am I not fighting for you to say what you feel?
Unknown "Kitty Lover" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month ago
"Where Are They" Continued Part 2... When I have reached my limit nothing can make me happy I know 2 people tried to make me happy that day and got no response, and I put them in a bad mood, they were sad and hurt by my feelings. I show no signs of life in my heart when I am this mad. Now this is the worst part about my personality but I have not been that mad since sophmore year of high school, and I am controlling my anger and cussing a lot better now. I am trying to make my life better and not taking anything for granted, now thats what I am looking for in a girl and I know what most women look for in a guy and wonder where he is at. Now I know guys aren't the ones that have a real problem finding the girl they want because most guys, at this age at least, want only one thing and thats a girl they can have sex with every night to satisfy his needs, not hers. I know a few of my female friends that have been lied to and have been cheated on by their boyfrineds, who had told them they loved her. I have also had friends assaulted by guys making them not trust men anymore. The women of the world would love a guy that they can trust, one that wont lie to them one that would be there for them. Someone with an ambition in his life not how much he can drink before he gets wasted, someone with a sense of humor, but knows when to calm it down and be serious. The main thing I get is, they want someone who will sit there and listen to her problems and try to work it out and not just respond with a cliche answer of, "your beautiful," or our famous ones, "you have nice breasts," etc, etc. They want a man that would not lie to them over simply things of where they were, who that was, someone who the girl can forever trust to be faithful and not see her as an item won at some state fair. Not everyone in the relationship is in for the sex. The women is putting her heart and soul on the line in hopes of finding her true love. Now I know a few guys that take pride in their way of thinking about women and a lot of it hurts me to know this. They feel that since their girl lives in another state its ok to have multiple Sex Buddies. This hurt me because I have never cheated on any of my girlfriends and I'll admit I have been with a few girls who I thought were faithful and true, but turned out to be nothing more than just a figment of my imagination. Also they have feelings about same sex marriage and the whole thing of gays and lesbians. Now they are disgusted and hate them but to me I simply ask why? I inform them that some of the best people I know are either gay or lesbian, and also one of my closest and true friends, of 12 years, is a lesbian. most guys are mostly in it for the sex and the rush of being with multiple women and treating them like items. They are hurting the image of guys not only for the whole dating experience, but also for the honest and nice guys. We males who try our hardest to impress girls always seem to be getting the shorter end of the stick since all our honesty and our true personalities come out, but get batted down and made into lies and deceit. I see it happening and have seen it where a nice guy turns into and cold hearted lying bastard only in it for the sex, he had lost his romantic heart and respect towards women. We are like a dying race of man, we are on the brink of extiction. The world is losing all the nice guys because of all the heartless ones. We are not given the chance to prove ourselves anymore, even I have hard times trying to prove I am not a liar and only want sex. Sex is not everything to me I dont look for it in relationships, or even expect it. I just want that girl who I can hang out with and have fun with, the girl who will be herself and dont always think I am lying to her. I have been told I have a great personality, and I am very funny and have a spirit of laughter that can make anyone sad or hurt, laugh. I had a retired 1st Sergeant tell me today he would have loved it if I was in Iraq with him and his crew because I wou
Unknown "Kitty Lover" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month ago
Unknown "Kitty Lover" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month ago
...And as Beastric watched her walk away, Vampeka, waved one last time, gave one last look, and took her last breath in front of Beastric. Vampeka went down the path with the one unseen power which rendered Beastric weak and helpless to stop her from leaving him and all they had together.... Vampeka and Beastric went to the same school of magicks for 3 years, but the fourth they went their seperate ways to learn their specific techniques. They remained as close as can be, but when their training was over Beastric had left do defend their race against the unforseen enemies as Vampeka stayed home to build up her knowledge much more. Beastric was to be gone for who knew how long, but he wanted to wait for his, thought to be, true love, Vampeka and see her once again. Well as the year went on their friendship began to weaken as Beastric went farther and farther away. Vampeka was also going farther away, but not in distance, but from who she was when they first met. Now a new greater power had entered Vampeka's life and she was drawn to it. It was the fault of Beastric for leaving, but he could do nothing now but watch as Vampeka grew more distant and leaving their friendship for this new power. Beastric had only himself to blame for what had happened between them. And as Beastric watched her walk away, Vampeka waved one last time, gave one last look, and took her last breath in front of Beastric. Vampeka went down the path with the one unseen power which rendered Beastric weak and helpless to stop her from leaving him and all they had together. Now as he stood, alone, in front of the maroon colored gates of the school where he had first met Vampeka, he remembered all the fun, laughter, and good times they had together. As the clouds of darkness left his heart Beastric began to realize that she was gone now, and forever and he needed to go on. Beastric now standing back in his new home has moved on but not too far. He has nearly forgot what it felt like to have her near, for he now has found a black flame which used to glow a bright firey red. This old flame had always been there, but it took the loss of his friend to truely see the flame and understand what this flame meant. As the flame grew stronger it regained its color and from it emerged the one person thought to have been lost forever. Shadowar, the Angel, forgotten by time, had come back and Beastric had fallen in love once again. To him and his heart Beastric believed that his feelings were true and he wants to keep this flame close to his heart and never let it go, but as the old saying goes..... Only Time Will Tell!
Unknown "Kitty Lover" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Now I wrote this a very long time ago, but it still stands true to this day and this is Part 1 of 3... Its called "Where Are They?" In the game of love everyone is looking for that one person that would make them happy for the rest of their life. We as people always look for whats in our best interests and when we look for love we want that special someone to come into our lives and make the world better. I know I am still very young in this world, but I have played this game of love and have only found dud players who weren't really into the game. I know that may sound harsh but only a very few of them (3 come to mind) have become my friends and stayed my friends after our break up. The one that stands out the most would have to be my closest friend Josephine Sandoval. We have been friends since we broke up, yah it was a rough few months/years (since we only started talking with one another again my Senior year in High School making it 3 years since we talked before we became close friends. Anyways in the game of love I was looking for girl who I could sweep up off her feet giving her the world the best way I can. I have learned so much in my years of dating (since I was stupid and started in middle school), from not lying to my girlfriend or any girl I am trying to date all the way to treat her with the upmost respect. I have done my best to be the best boyfriend I could but somethings still elude my grasp and concept. I am not one to want a quick relationship anything shorter than 10 months is a complete embarassment. I did just get out of a relationship that only lasted 3 months and well I wont go much into it only that there were still some things I needed to know before I found my true girl. I now believe I know what I need to do and how to be to find my true love. I look only for girls that desire long relationships, know what they want in life and are least starting to work at it, because right now I am only starting at my college, so people in High School are completely shit out of luck. I look for a family girl one who loves their family, which tells me she would love her newly made family when it came to be. I look for a girl that does not only want to always go out and party but also would love to hang around the house with friends and family just watching movies til the sun came up and we'll have nothing but fun joking around, laughing. I dont expect the girl I love to be the best person in the world and of course not perfect because no one is perfect (Shoot I know I am the least most perfect guy). There are many other things that I look for in a girl but those aren't important right now. Now I have been told before I am a awesome friend, I am the nicest guy some people have ever met, I have a heart of silver (gold means I am completely nice and I am not), that I have a good head on my shoulders and know what I want and I stop at nothing until I get it (now this one is somewhat true, if I know I wont be able to get it then I have to except defeat). Now I am not saying there is nothing wrong with me like I said before I am not perfect, for example; I am very stubborn, very very stubborn, and when it comes to something that I consider a simple task and I can't figure it out or get it to work, I get frustrated and aggrivated easily. Now when I get angry, in a way, there are levels of my anger; 1.pissed off: this stage is where I cuss the most but have no change in voice tone. 2.Angered: here I cuss the same amount but you can hear the change in my tone of voice and also see it in my eyes and facial expressions. 3. Down right Mad: I have only been this bad maybe twice, but I know for sure once in high school. This is when I am at my limits end and cant stand no more, I become so cold hearted . I dont talk and in my eyes you can see a frozen fire look in them, but they are not looking back at you, they are in a world of their own. I have had only a few friends see me this way and even when I am angered people notice because of who I am and my true charac
Unknown "Kitty Lover" Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
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