nachdem ich dich sonst nich seh muss ich dir wohl so schreiben Wo bist du? Mizz ya
- 16 years, 4 months, 24 days ago
nurse training ? woah, you never told me anything bout it before . haha im alright, more or less the same i guess . things around here lately are boring . nothing much . yourself ?
Oh those were hugs not pets!!?? ^_^ very nice! and yeah lol I kept at it even while you were gone XD and yay for being alive! how have you been?
- 16 years, 5 months, 2 days ago
yeahh global warming... bitch xD lmao I'm doing fine, a bit stressed cuz of the exams but well.. there's nothing I can do about it.. grr, what about ya? what r u up to lately?