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Herds (lead): dark faerie's forest palace
Herds: Shadow Wolf Pack, Gray Wolf Pack, Black roses with thorns, "The Asylum", World of Darkness, Modern Pagen, Merman's lake of Passion, World of Lycans
Unknown's tales
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i was finially able to get two of the drawings up...i hope you enjoy. the photos are of poor quality and are abit blurred but at least you get an idea.
Unknown "Fawnia" Lonely - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
three drawings of mine i just discribe. one was of two pheonixes. one red the other blue...the red has its head resting on the chest of the blue in a sign of seeking comfort and protecting, she is trusting the other to keep her from harm. the blues head is held high and proud looking over the head of the red...looking out over his mate. it took me more then a week to draw these two. so much color and layers went into them. the red had everything from pink to purple to green and red within it, mixed to prefection to give the over all color red but so rich with the lights and darks you expect she could fly of the page. this is the case with the blue, tho his mix of colors are domanately blues, greens and purples this happens to be one of my favorite colored drawings ive done. i hope that one day i will be able to locate a working scan and share with you my two fire feathered friends.

Another of my drawings distribed below was a night scene. there is a tree in the forground, as if you are standing at the edge of a wood, the branches in extreme detail because of how close they are. one thing i love about a moon lite night is the stark contrast of light and dark. the mountains that are in the background are almost completely white, with darkly contracting shadows of blues and purples, that make the white peaks almost glow. the sky in and of its self is the darkest mix of blues, purples and greens, contrasting so muc hwith the stark white of the mountains and the moon that it seems to be void of color, tho its so far for that. people seem to have to idea that black is the absents of color but they cant be further from the truth. black is actually the darkest of any color. the deepest, darkest black is actually formed using all colors. the color of black you end up with depends on the order and the intensity of each color that you use. my favorite black happens to usually end with blue tho green also makes an interesting black.

my rose that i did, happens to be a mixture made up mainly of pinks and purples...tho the darkest areas have green mixed in to deepen the shadows. tho i think it is not my best drawing of a rose, i still find pleasing to the eyes because of the unlimited amounts of color used to form each petal.

all this to say, ive a passion for drawing and art. i love contrast..i love using contrasting colors, i love the contrast between light and dark. night draws use both of these contrast to the extreme. i love it and i hope that you do too.
Unknown "Fawnia" Lonely - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
(im no poet, but im trying...this is the reflection of thoughts at some of my drawings that i have done lately. one day i hope to post the drawings themselves that inspire my writings. but until then....enjoy their discription)

the colors shift and form
changing with each stroke
with each layer
growing richer

an idea takes form
a vision
with each stroke closer
with each color added
a step closer to reality
to life

i stare in aw
of the eye of my creation
it looks back at me
so full of life
does that eye bare
thoughts running tho
a mind that is unseen
but the eye
the mirror of the mind
thro it the mind is see
is sensed

i look again
what is my creation thinking?
this drawing so full
so rich with life
at any moment
will is strike me?
is there hate for its creator?
or will it come
curl up and rest in the lap
of the one that made it

i turn the page quickly
to another of my drawings
and again stare
this a view
i can feel the peace
of a starry night
i see the mountain
glowing white
against the dark sky
in the distance
reflecting the light of the moon
an owl calls
a slight wind blows

i sigh and turn the page
then smile
before me lies a rose
each petel prefectly formed
each shadow fading to light
i can almost smell the warm scent
the sun shining
captured in rapture
in glory

snap shots
that is all they are
but they reflect
they capture the mind
the soul
i close the book and sigh
laying the book aside
i curl up in bed
and drift to my faerie land.
Unknown "Fawnia" Lonely - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
its was an awkward meeting
the three of them knew not what do.
related but never had met,
thousands of years seperated them all.

one had survived slavery for thousands of years
while the other two had barely survived at all.
two white, one red. two female, one male
so different in so many ways.

but one thing connected them
one who was no more
sister of the one, mother of the two
she died in the storm

shalia, the red pheonix, looked at the other two
one her brother, the other her aunt.
they had to get through this meeting some how
but no one was sure what to do.

Unknown "Fawnia" Lonely - 17 years ago
warm and happy and feeling alive
the egg was glowing with life inside.
the little one hummed and clicked
and swam and danced to its own music
but suddenly things would change as i hear tell
of the egg of shalia.

the storm it rose so suddenly
the parents screeched in total fury
the wind it moaned and shook the erie.
and the small one shivered and whimpered in fright
when thro the shell it saw the flash of great light
but im afraid to say that things had just begun
to the poor egg of Shalia

the lightin it flash and the thunder it rolled
the erie and the rock begin to groan
then little by little it gave away
and the brave parents tried to stay
but with a gust of the wind they were blown way
where too i can nto say
down fell the eggs one by one
the last being shalia

now what happened next
i dont quite know but fate turned nice
for once, a miracle i know
instead of smashing on the rocks below
the wind blew the egg to a forest unknown
the egg knew not what fate wait.
but it was glad to whisper its thanks
that brave little creature of shalia

the egg it landed not far for a lake
and Nero was wondering around quite late
when in the woods he would find
the poor lost egg at hatch time
the egg it shivered and shook
Nero was nervous, but continued to look
then to his wonder the egg land wide
and out stepped Shalia, a phoenix of fire
Unknown "Fawnia" Lonely - 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
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i love your pics, especially the fire for hair one. you've made it very effective
Unknown "Dark knight" Inspired - 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Peter Ratter
Beautiful photos gorgeous artwork. I'm taken with your poetry too.
Peter Ratter "Kalle" Calm - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
Xara Witch of the Phoenix
Amazing sweety. truely.
Xara Witch of the Phoenix "Xara-NFS" Evasive - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
The Big Bad Wolf
Absolutly lovely drawnings. Did you use pastels, chalks, oils, what?
The Big Bad Wolf Gloomy - 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
Mark Baker
How is my lonely little bat? LOL

You have been given •lucky clover•.
Crafted by
Mark Baker "Hubby" Loving - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
^.=.^ Thanks
Unknown "Sex Slave" Tired - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
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Faeries shop of celtics and mystics

welcome to my shop. enjoy

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