warm and happy and feeling alive
the egg was glowing with life inside.
the little one hummed and clicked
and swam and danced to its own music
but suddenly things would change as i hear tell
of the egg of shalia.
the storm it rose so suddenly
the parents screeched in total fury
the wind it moaned and shook the erie.
and the small one shivered and whimpered in fright
when thro the shell it saw the flash of great light
but im afraid to say that things had just begun
to the poor egg of Shalia
the lightin it flash and the thunder it rolled
the erie and the rock begin to groan
then little by little it gave away
and the brave parents tried to stay
but with a gust of the wind they were blown way
where too i can nto say
down fell the eggs one by one
the last being shalia
now what happened next
i dont quite know but fate turned nice
for once, a miracle i know
instead of smashing on the rocks below
the wind blew the egg to a forest unknown
the egg knew not what fate wait.
but it was glad to whisper its thanks
that brave little creature of shalia
the egg it landed not far for a lake
and Nero was wondering around quite late
when in the woods he would find
the poor lost egg at hatch time
the egg it shivered and shook
Nero was nervous, but continued to look
then to his wonder the egg land wide
and out stepped Shalia, a phoenix of fire
Unknown "Fawnia" Lonely
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago