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"My Naughty Wolf"
"My Bipolar"
200 pts
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Unknown's tales
Here I go telling of my stupid moments....ok the speed limit was 45 I was doing upwards around 90..I remember this day pretty well, nice sunny not a cloud in the sky and and open back road in front of me...anyway I come flying up this hill and the front end of my car leaves the road...nothing new I've done it plenty of times before...except I wasn't prepared for what was to follow..the front end came crashing down into the trunk of a car...ok not just any car a Sherif's car....now get this I look up and see two cops and two people in the abck seat in orange jump suits...yeah when I fuck up I do it right....any way before the day was over I was staring down the barrels of six different guns from the Stat troopers...they thought I was trying to break the prisioners out on their way to the maxim secruity prison....that was my very first car accident ever
Unknown "My Naughty Wolf" Naughty
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
SO imagine this me and a friend siting on a dock leading to a lake 4 inches of snow every where and we have BB Guns and a cop.....No imagine my friend taking his gun and shooting the copcar with it and him in return turns on his lights and tells us not to move....yeah I did what any other young kid would do ran across a frozen lake. yeah he didn't follow and me and my friend were seperated by about 20 feet. this jackass comes running up next to me jumps and lands right next to me and all I hear is the Ice cracking.......then he asks me what are we going to do. I said I'm running and took a step and fell in 40 feet from the shore....... yeah we swam out walked to his house and proceeded to break our cloths of from our selves....needless to say I never played on a frozen lake again.
Unknown "My Naughty Wolf" Naughty
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Ok lets see it started when me and a couple of Marines went to my house in ohio. We thrrew a party and got a decent amount of people to show up. As the night progressed the life of the party started to die down and I for one wasn't ready for it to end. soo I proceeded to pour gasoline on my shoe that I was wearing. any way I poured it for about five minutes...any way I walked up to the fire and POOF my lower right leg went up in flames (Below the knee) I tried stop drop and roll (WHICH DOES NOT WORK) and then I stripped and put the flames out needless to say I spent the next couple of hours in a hosp.
Unknown "My Naughty Wolf" Naughty
- 17 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
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