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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 114611 points.


"♥Princess "

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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12764 pts
11422 pts
7093 pts
5250 pts

"krejzi nejbr"
4659 pts

"Lorna's ljubavi"
4631 pts

"ll cool jae"
1953 pts
"Hammy Hamster"
1538 pts

"Lorna's Chris"
366 pts
"Najdraza Yue"
331 pts

200 pts
140 pts

120 pts

"Checky Smile"
110 pts

100 pts
"Prince Simon"
90 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
Just wanna inform all my pets, friends, owner, etc etc that my comp has been down since 2 weeks ago. I'll be back when it's repaired. To my beloved pets, i'll buy you back asap. :) Everyone take care!


can't believe how much i miss this stupid thing. rofl

Unknown "♥Princess " Feisty - 16 years, 10 months, 24 days ago
*Wow* Felt very constructive today. Set up a shop, but mostly it's full of emo stuff. Anyone who has any feedback to offer me please leave a comment. I'd really appreciate that :)

Something to think about:

It's weird how you go from being strangers to being friends to being more than friends to being practically strangers again... and it all happens so fast.

Come to think about it, I've been through that. I'm sure a lot of people have, too. Isn't it sad? Life is short. Why waste the opportunities given to us? If it can be something more than friends, it's definitely an option worth exploring.
Unknown "♥Princess " Feisty - 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
"This user's privacy settings restrict you from viewing their profile." <------ this is the lamest thing someone would come up with, especially if he/she is declaring a pet war.

Oh please, like I'd sit on my hands and let them (no name, no location, no profile pic) just whisk off my pet like that!!! *stomps*

Cowardice? Maybe. Chicken? Probably. Lily-livered? Most likely.

Do it fair & square. How can I declare war on someone I can't see?
Unknown "♥Princess " Feisty - 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
Silence. A large impenetrable wall of silence. It looms huge & loud in itself. Is this the way it's going to end? Is this the way you want it to be? I want to tear down the wall, to break the silence you are imposing. If there is nothing left to salvage then tell me so I can walk away. Tell me so I can keep my dignity and hold my head up high. Don't let me be the last to know. Don't hurt me more than you already have... The pain is getting unbearable, yet still you keep your silence. Everything I do reminds me of you. The songs. The words. The pictures. How much longer are you going to torture me? How much longer do I have to second guess your moves, the words you say, the things you do? Why? Why did this happen? What happened along the way? Tell me, coz the tears won't stop.........
Unknown "♥Princess " Feisty - 17 years, 3 days ago
Been asked to put some posts up twice today, both by wonderful, sweet ladies, Wenna & Kim. The greatest idiot in facebook... didn't know that tales meant thumbs, and thumbs meant points. -.-'' .Well, here's one, without much point to it, I'm afraid. It's 3.37am and my eyes are having some difficulty keeping open. So let this be the first. Then there will be others. I hope. :) Cheers, people.
Unknown "♥Princess " Feisty - 17 years, 11 days ago

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Alexander Graesser
random comment #303) *bathed* You have been bathed
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 4 months, 28 days ago
lornaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! hehehe sorry i haven't been on HP as often as before.. but i'm almost always at FB.. ;) thanks for petting!! i missed you!!! how are you doing?? ^_^
Unknown "Sniffles" Content - 16 years, 6 months, 29 days ago
helloooo lorna, my favorite friend on the other side of the moon:) yesss, i did miss you... a lot... (this is becoming a little strange with all this missing and stuff :P ) hahaha DONT SCARE AWAY THE LADIESS:D what the hell are me and maria going to eat?:)
anywayz, i gave myself the freedom to write a second part of your disturbingly nice story (disturbing because, well, u killed me in it? before that u put me in jail... well if it was the other way around, first kill, then jail, i guess that would be a little more disturbing:) )

"The Milos story: return of the damned" In this continuation, it is revealed that milos was not actually killed by the hangman, but was instead set free... the hangman, a proud and honorable warrior, was amazed by young milos, and he found the strength to forgive milos’s crimes and set the prisoners black heart loose... he took milos to a black forest and told him to run away, never to return, and that for all the world he will be dead... hangman turned to leave, and milos, for reasons unknown, quickly found a branch, and stabbed hangman in the back... a not very smart move, considering that the hangman had armor plates on his back... surprised, and, in a way, amused, the hangman turned and looked milos right in the eye... and they both smiled... and then the hangman chopped milos's head off. the end

so? what do ya think?:) i like my story better:) it has a nice twist... but, in the end, it lacks one "thing"... you:) so, i gave myself the freedom (again??) to write a third and final part... a trilogy is born:)

"The Milos story: the fellowship of hell" Having himself decapitated, milos found himself in a strange room, with a lot of strange pictures of a lady standing above some very sad and, come to think of it, heartless guys... that was he heard screams from outside the room, some far, some close... soon entered a pretty girl, in a sexy red outfit *hehe*... milos recognized the lady from the spooky pics... and recognized a tail?! "Hi, im Lorna" she said. "Nice to meet you, im Aleksandar" milos lied, he thought that it would be better not to tell his real name... but... somehow... lorna knew... and she looked milos right in the eye... and they both smiled... and then lorna took milos's heart out.......... with a kiss:)
a love story? probably not, just a welcome kiss for a similar soul... so they talked, and wrote each other all the time... and at night, when the moon is full, you can hear them typing something new... making something up(again):) the FINAL end

omg, what a post:) oh well, maybe its too big for a story, but i dont care, its brilliant:) hope you like, write to me soon, kissesss *mwaaaaaaah*
You have been given Escape From Reality.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Marija's Milos" Bold - 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
my lovely princess, how are u? sorry for this late reply, ive been busy, gotta get some exams out the way... and its not that easy, im not feeling well, im hungry... for some reason no one is bringing me my sarma?! damn it... and every time when someone calls and tells me they are gonna get me something to eat, i end up only hearing screams and 24 chops... and no sarma... or slatko:(

hehe so it seems we both dislike the kuhinja:) but for me, u are a master chef, because the only thing i can make in the kitchen is tea... a really bad tea... poisoned like i made it from snakes:( im joking, but its not that far from the truth...
now ive gotta a itsy bitsy question for u *loooong pause* ... what do you do?... u know... in REAL life? :)

well, i did watch a lot of tv when i was young (back in the day of '45) :) but now its mostly about the music... and i dont really understand what are u implying with the oopss *milos is pretending that he is stupid like a fox* heheh u crazy girl :D

so, Venus eh? you people get on our nerves, your planet is blocking our view... one of these days we're gonna send u a sarma bomb, to clear the night sky:) but, on the other hand, i think thats not that likely, you know that old saying: "u cant live without venusianess, and u definately want to live with a lot of them":) so, dont worry, your secret is safe with me *pinkie promises*... and my family... and Marija... and that FBI guy i once meet... and... (u get the picture - ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!) :) ouch! wtf... wheres my pinkie?! :)

sexy? trim? delish?! hmm im getting a little bit scared right now, it seems you are now after MYYY roasted heart... u sexy devil u *wink wink* :) ... its a good thing im already dead:) and well yeah, of course u like me this way (dead way), im in your realm now... and i dont really find that three-headed dog cute... or fun :| ... but hey, im not gonna get bitchy here, he's your pet, in your house by the lake of fire, im just a guest who is learning how to surf... and i like your goblin friends, theyre my kind of peop... goblins:) they sure can drink that red wine *its blood, noooooo**milos wakes up in his bed screaming* oh, it was just a dream... but then why are u here, and why i have a hangover, with the taste of blood in my mou... uh-oh :)

i almost forgot how much fun "talking" with u is:) hope u are well, im sending lots of kisses your way...
You have been given Sweet Kisses.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Marija's Milos" Bold - 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
Thanks for dropping by to shop and for the comment. Very sweet. And a diamond mic!! Perfect. All I need is an audience now! *hugs* :)
You have been given Playtime!.
Crafted by Sky Cherry
Gilead "Music Man" Bold - 16 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
hehe ok, u got me, im not really from serbia, actually im from mars... which are, in fact, the same place :) joking aside, thanx for the compliment, i really dont know why im so damn smart, ask God when you fight him next time :) joking aside *again?... douh* maybe its just because most of the stuff i watch and listen to are in english, so you could say that im used to english... brainwashing, anyone? :)

hahahaha string beans and sarma :D i see you are extremely fluent in serbian kitchen... but just to make it strait, we dont eat that every day... we would all be fat and pretty much dead if that was true:) wait! wait a minute! but we ARE all fat and smelly ...... damn :) hehe... so, whats your usual food? except the roasted souls thingy? :)

and i diiiiid miss you... not many people here are like you... in a mad way:)
ps: this is the second time that im writing this... the first time the power went out... its not funny! im sorryyyy because i didnt write you sooner, but you cant go around cutting peoples power off, thats just mean:)
You have been given * SO SWEET *.
Crafted by The Mo
Unknown "Marija's Milos" Bold - 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
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Unknown's shop
~ The Emo Hut ~

Finally!! Set up my own shop!! *Proud to be a shopowner*

Please comment on my items. I need feedback so I know that I'm on the right track.

Thanks for stopping by :) Happy shopping~

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You keep me afloat
1 use

180 pts
You keep me afloat
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Kisses on tiptoe
1 use

180 pts
Kisses on tiptoe
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I think I love you
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150 pts
I think I love you
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Innocent love
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180 pts
Innocent love
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Stay with me
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180 pts
Stay with me
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Shut up
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Forbidden love
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Love is in the air!
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Love is in the air!
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Blowing kisses
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L.O.V.E. You!
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L.O.V.E. You!
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Stolen kisses
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Stolen kisses
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Alone without you
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Alone without you
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Have I told you that I love you?
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Have I told you that I love you?
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So near yet so far
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So near yet so far
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You &amp; I
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